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ArtByChristinaCheek OP t1_j3q3jof wrote

Yes, we are seriously looking into a good pricing model to deliver within the area. I'm sorry to hear about the quality of produce, though with organic regulations its very hard for growers to keep them away because it's limited to certain pest control options and what is exactly used.

With lettuces or anything really grown ground level like that, you will want to do a good wash. Going forward, to err on the side of caution, you can do as my grandma used to do & fill your sink with cold water, add a capful of white vinegar & about 1/2 cup salt and wash the lettuce or greens by gently scrubbing and rinsing them with your hands in bunches. (the pests will come off in the water). Then lay on a flat paper towel, use another paper towel to pat dry. This is more for the loose leaf lettuces and greens like collards, but it always came out pretty and tasty!

We are not certified organic, (the price tag on that is a bit high, but we will be seeking grant aide for it going forward) but do hold to the same practices. Weedkiller, fungicides, Etc. are all No-No's here! We are doing intercrop intensive planting with natural pest control options (encouraging pollinators and predator insects, like ladybugs, etc., planting trap crops and so on ) we also know that not all of our produce will be blemish free but we will do our best 💪 😉

As far as the animal products (for those interested) we will have some available as the seasons go on, but cheeses are regulated by the USDA and State Milk Board, there's a whole facility setup, approval, inspection, etc. and that's not something we are able to do financially.

Now, with Raw Goats Milk, that is something we can offer, especially if the bill moves past the Senate to allow raw milk sales for retail! 🤞🤞🤞


Resident-Log6503 t1_j3qvxzx wrote

Thanks for the info. I do thoroughly soak and wash all lettuce with water and vinegar. The issue wasn’t that there were bugs on the lettuce which you get in grocery store lettuce too it’s that the pests had eaten a lot of the lettuce to the point of it being pretty inedible like I’d just get a few leaves per head that were ok. Like when you pay more than at the grocery store and it’s like that it’s disappointing. Like one head I’d get enough to garnish a sandwich rather than make a salad if that makes sense.


ArtByChristinaCheek OP t1_j3rmdew wrote

OOOH! Oh, dear, yea... no that's chicken feed for us lol. I'm surprised they boxed it like that 😓


Resident-Log6503 t1_j3rry7n wrote

I know me too. Sometimes their produce was good other times I’d be throwing half of it away which is frustrating given the cost and that you rely on items you are getting in your box for meal prep and then it’s no good. This year was worse then last I imagine the drought affected things but still…would rather get less of good quality than a lot of poor quality if that makes sense.


ArtByChristinaCheek OP t1_j3rylnl wrote

Certainly understandable and that's something we will also keep in mind. Usually, if the harvest is that bad due to drought or the weather we can't control, a notice is sent about the produce updates, changes, etc., so folks are aware.


Resident-Log6503 t1_j3rtn18 wrote

Some other things that would be helpful is the option to skip weeks eg if gone for vacation or something like that and to order a la carte if people don’t want to commit to an entire season. And an online system such as harvie for customizing boxes skipping weeks changing delivery location etc.


ArtByChristinaCheek OP t1_j3ryups wrote

Is Harvie an integrated system? We have been looking for a better way to have a cart than just sign up for boxes, so customization is easier since the website is still underway.