Submitted by dentalmomma t3_106a239 in springfieldMO

A commercial came on tonight about a story KY3 will be running Monday night. There was a man speaking about a fundraiser that (sounded to me like) he either had a part of or was the coordinator of. The reporter mentioned a fundraiser l, but after it was all said and done the fundraiser didn't produce any money. The man said at the end that he felt "completely responsible." If I'm not mistaken, the fundraiser was to benefit a little girl. The person looked like someone who I've seen be very active in the community. Just curious if anyone knows about this?



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Koyoteelaughter t1_j3g5gn2 wrote

I don't, but I can understand the man's frustration and guilt. After my divorce, I wanted to make sure my daughter had a great birthday. So despite not liking my ex-wife, I invited her along with all of my daughter's friends. I paid hundreds for a party room at this place filled with bouncy houses and stuff.

Everyone assured me they'd be there. My daughter was so excited, but in the end, it was just me, my ex-wife, and my daughter who kept wondering why no one showed up. She actually cried. I felt so bad about it that after my ex-wife left, I took my daughter out to the movies, to go bowling, to go play laser tag, to an escape room, and then out for pizza. It ended up be a very fun time for her, but initially, that birthday was a disaster.

To keep her from feeling depressed that her friends didn't show up, I lied to her and told her that I put the wrong date down on the invitations and that's why no one showed up. I made it my fault rather than her having to wonder why her friends didn't want to show up for her.


elaborate_hoxha t1_j3hdayp wrote

I would be so mad. If that happened to my daughter I’d call people out to their face. Or something irrational. Top level dadding there.


dentalmomma OP t1_j3hj8py wrote

Geez. I can't imagine. My daughter is 7 and super sensitive....not only emotionally, but also to everyone around her. Something like that would absolutely crush her. (Especially since she's at the age that her and little Susie might get along one day but not the next, and that in itself is an earth-shattering event of course.)

Unfortunately, she's also the product of divorce. That event can be hard enough on a kiddo, but also having her friends essentially stand her up on her BIRTHDAY? Hurts my heart to think about.

You, my friend, are doing a hell of a job at this dad business. Co-parenting with an ex that you DO get along with is challenging enough. Co-parenting with one that can be difficult can be brutal lol. Well done for inviting the mom. I know your kiddo will remember that as she gets older and one day she'll understand exactly what that gesture meant.

You hang in there and keep up the good work. You're doing a great job 💙


Koyoteelaughter t1_j3hsehz wrote

When my wife left me I was bitter and hated her. But my daughter made me promise to be civil with her. She asked me and almost begged me not to be mean to her mom, so even when my ex-wife insulted my siblings and parents, I just took it like a beat dog so that I kept my word.

I'd made a deal with my daughter when she was young. So long as she told me when she did something bad, she'd never be punished. If she lied, her punishment would be severe, like extra long grounding or something. I also promised her that so long as she always told me the truth, I would never lie to her about anything. No matter what it was, if she wanted the truth, I'd tell her. When she asked me if there was really a santa claus, I told her that I was either going to say yes or no, and asked her if she could live with both those answers. I made her wait two weeks before I answered it to decide if she really wanted to know the answer. AFter two weeks, she said she'd prefer to know the truth, so I told there was no santa claus. When she asked me about the tooth fairy, I told her there were lots of gay dentists. lol.


dentalmomma OP t1_j3htnot wrote

I'm a dental assistant. I can vouche for that 🧚

Also. Hats off to you. You're doing all the hard things. I commend you 🥹


i-touched-morrissey t1_j3hjqve wrote

OH my goodness! What a bunch of horrible people. You are a great dad, because if this had happened to one of my kids, I would have been crying.


Koyoteelaughter t1_j3hrfm4 wrote

It wasn't really that they were horrible. My daughter's birthday is in June after school lets out. Families end up going on vacation or sending their kids to camp. One friend who RSVPd had to stay with her father and couldn't come because he lived in a different town. Another who RSVPd ended up going to Disney Land after their grandparents showed up with a surprise vacation for them. Another got sick and couldn't come. With the exception of six kids, the rest had decent excuses that were out of their hands.

The party she had the next year was really great. I moved all the furniture out of my room, the master bedroom, and put them in the garage. I then stayed up after she went to bed and ended up blowing up thousands of balloons. I put prizes in some of the balloons then filled up my bedroom with balloons so that it came up to the children's chins. I then unleashed them.

There were about sixteen kids there. There was cake, pizza, a pinata, gift bags, and a trampoline. It was pretty memorable.


i-touched-morrissey t1_j3pl5xu wrote

Sounds like a blast. You should invite us all this year!


Koyoteelaughter t1_j3ppiv2 wrote

I would, but she is nineteen now going on twenty and no longer visits her father now that he's disabled.


i-touched-morrissey t1_j3t78mf wrote

Well that sucks. I'm sorry.


Koyoteelaughter t1_j3t7v4c wrote

I expected it. Nothign good ever lasts. I'd prepared myself in advance for this. I just had to realize that as long as my daughter is happy and safe, that's all that matters. My needs are a distant second.


the_honeyman t1_j3ickje wrote

You are a fantastic dad. Keep it up. Also, if you aren't yet, everybody at /r/daddit would love to have you.


patricknett t1_j3i92r3 wrote

That “man” is me.

I will wait and let the story air first and hope that KY3 shares the full story and puts in every detail that matters.

The long story short, I messed up, I take responsibility for it. There was nothing but good intentions behind it. The truth is I was irresponsible and procrastinated. The restaurant was only able to raise $39 in funding, and then we promised to donate 5% of sales on top of that.

I had so much going on at the time that I kept procrastinating getting the numbers done and reaching out to the family. They never reached out to me either. Next thing I know, they got an attorney involved a couple months later. The attorney and I played phone tag for a couple weeks. And I made several efforts to try and reach him, but he made minimal effort to get in touch with me. I left my email and asked to set a date for a meeting, he never emailed. So I put the case aside and would resume the moment they reached me, but they never did so it just got forgotten about again.

Fast forward a few months, KY3 emails me and says they’re doing a story. Now we’re here.

It was an honest mistake that I took so long to reach out. I just wished they would had contacted me first. They made zero attempt. There was nothing but good intention behind this. I am still wanting to make this right, and I’m waiting for an email back from their attorney to tell me what they want me to do with the funding. But since they got legal involved, that’s why I’m no longer reaching out to them personally. It will be me and their lawyers, or my lawyers and their lawyers.

Story airs Monday at 10pm. I’ll answer simple/small questions, but I’d like to remain mostly silent until the story airs.


HardboiledMook t1_j3oncso wrote

Lmao, I'm sorry man if this were true there would be no story to run. And I have heard the other side of the story now so I think you might be fucked Patrick


stone500 t1_j3pr3zm wrote

Are you serious? You can make a story out of anything when you're local news.


HardboiledMook t1_j3qsbp2 wrote

Local man accidentally forgets donations would have played. If he hadn't refused to reach out to them for another TWO WEEKS after interviewed

In factually we have an incredibly good local news scene, but you're not incorrect. They make mountains outta ant hills but I at least Don't believe so here.


Salt-Description-387 t1_j3qmtxx wrote

Everyone has been waiting for you to make good on your promise for several months. Quit dragging your feet, go to the attorney’s office, and leave the check there. The longer you continue to drag it out, the worse you look, no matter how many different posts on social media you make admitting fault.


miss_liss116 t1_j3m14tb wrote

I’m pretty sure it was for the family of a little girl that passed in an accident last year


user10085 t1_j3r8c28 wrote

So you look over your receipts for the period in question. Multiply the total by .05. Add $39. Write a check. Deliver it to the Neale & Newman Law Firm. That sounds pretty straightforward.


Cold417 t1_j3ikxiv wrote

I saw the camera operator getting B roll from the sidewalk on Friday...Was wondering about that.


Good-Analysis662 t1_j3jwj8g wrote

The little girl passed away after a horrible accident.


melona-mochi t1_j3s0ap6 wrote

Patrick is claiming the family never reached out and made zero attempts, when Mackenzie’s godmother and aunt commented on his original Facebook many times and Patrick acknowledged their comments.


bitunique t1_j3tujku wrote

I find it strange that he would do all of that without even contacting the family to start with. And now he’s blaming them because they didn’t reach out. Gross.


Several_Attorney5642 t1_j3wul4g wrote

& in fact the family did reach out & he responded but then didn’t follow through. There are screenshots above. Hollow promises & it just doesn’t seem like it was a top priority for him. He has repeatedly said he’s learned from this but also hinted that he would consider suing KY-3 for defamation, when in fact if this story hadn’t aired, it most likely would never have been paid.


Several_Attorney5642 t1_j3wv3mr wrote

I can’t support someone that lies about a family that lost a little girl to a horrible tragedy. He said he’s forgetful but how does someone that forgetful run a business? Boggles my mind. I don’t think I could forget promising funds like that. I wouldn’t be able to sleep at night.


scoop_booty t1_j3hq3d8 wrote

I understood the situation was that the man did a fundraiser for the Asian family but absconded with the funds. The Asian man felt responsible for being gullible, for allowing his family to be scammed.


HardboiledMook t1_j3oo7xt wrote

Calling it now that this is going to get deleted when Patrick starts to go into damage control after his attorney finds out he posted


Evanpik64 t1_j3hiw24 wrote

What was the fundraiser for?


bitunique t1_j3tu115 wrote

Let me recap for you: It was for the family of a 3-year old girl who tragically drowned last summer. The family organized a go fund me to help with expenses etc. Thai Express then shared that link on their social sites and also stated they would put out a jar for donations, donate 5% of sales and the owner shared this personal Venmo and PayPal accounts for those who wanted to donate but “avoid the fees”. That was in May 2022. He never reached out to the family, either before or after, deciding to do all of this. They don’t know him personally. Here it is 6-7 months later and they still haven’t received a penny. But at one point they were like, hey what about that fundraiser where you said you were raising money for our deceased daughter. Crickets. So of course now they feel he took advantage of their situation to boost sales for his restaurant.

You can read his response in the comments. But it doesn’t add up to me. Something smells fishy.


dentalmomma OP t1_j3hqb7x wrote

I'm not really sure. They either didn't mention it or I didn't catch that part. I tried looking through tbe KY3 site for upcoming stories and whatnot but didn't have any luck.