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Cloud_Disconnected t1_j3n9oe1 wrote

OP is asking for date destinations where they can walk around, not a lecture on the evils of the automobile. So no, I don't think it's all that relevant. It's relevant to you, and your ideas, and your passions. But it wasn't what OP was asking about.

When the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail. Every time "car" or "walk" or "lonely" is mentioned, you r/fuckcars people think it's prime time to trot out all your arguments about how cars are the cause of every single problem in the world.

It's not even that I disagree in principle. It's that every post doesn't need to have this argument.


SliceOfBrain t1_j3qxwbi wrote

You're skipping over the part about the need for third places. That bit seems more relevant to the conversation. It's fair to notice that a community craves certain kinds of spaces. And car dependency does influence the kinds of spaces we get to experience and choose between for first dates.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j3wfvoh wrote

Right, I did not address third spaces because that part of the comment was relevant.

Let me draw your attention to two sentences in the initial comment that are what I specifically was taking issue with:

> The Ozarks have been destroyed in favor of car dependency when what the people actually want is more walkability!


> In the age of loneliness, everyone is craving more of these third places where life can happen and moments/memories can be created outside of a car!

Removing those two sentences would have made the entire comment on-topic. As I said, I don't disagree with these ideas in general. In fact, there's a 7 Brew post up now that would be a great place to bring up these topics.

Edit: Ha! I just noticed that it was you that posted about 7 Brew.

Edit 2: I noticed that the second sentence I quoted contained the reference to third spaces, so I bolded the portions I thought were off-topic.


SliceOfBrain t1_j3wzfcq wrote

I just skimmed your history and realized we have been responding to each other a bit. On your bass pro sign post and your old 7brew post.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j3xhoh1 wrote

Interesting. I recognize a few usernames here, but it's usually people who either post a lot or are particularly obnoxious. Or if they found Dave the cat, that one stuck in my head for some reason. You didn't really fall in to any of those categories, but I'll probably remember you now. See ya round!


pjcanfield8 t1_j3nbqlf wrote

It wasn’t like I came completely from left field though. Not only did I also mention the landing seems like a great spot for a date but to add to the conversation I was simply just making an observation about how people gravitate towards these walkable places for many different reasons including dates. When would be a good time to discuss the cars dominance in lives? It’s an issue we’ve been ignoring for a long time and one that’s been getting worse. Pedestrian deaths are on the rise and no one seems to care. This is what Reddit was designed for: conversation and talking about the issues


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j3nf0uh wrote

> ...but to add to the conversation

That's just it, you're not adding to the conversation, you're diverting it to what you want to talk about rather than what OP wanted to talk about, which was nice spots for a date.

There are lots of good times to talk about it. But it's brought up ad nauseam in completely unrelated comment sections consistently.

No one seems to care about pedistrian deaths? That's just not true. It gets brought up all the time including here and in the news. People in this sub are upset about it often, and rightly so.

Yes, Reddit was created in part for discussion. We just don't have to discuss this particular subject in every thread.


pjcanfield8 t1_j3nhx8i wrote

I don’t know why you’re making such a big fuss about my point. All I was trying to say was that more walkable places would be a good idea because people seem to like them. I understand that you’ve heard the sentiment before but not everyone has. I just want to see a little bit of meaningful change in my lifetime and you have to get everyone to recognize that there’s a problem with how we’re designing our cities.
