Submitted by MikeSchimm t3_10p0eva in springfieldMO

when you work a job that never closes during winter weather, is ice the point you should say ‘screw it’ and stay home anyway?



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hikingjoey123 t1_j6hprhg wrote

Personally, I wouldn't risk it if you're route requires anything potentially dangerous. Your life will never be worth a job, no matter the pay. I hope you have some personal time you can use, or something similar:) I wish you the best, and if you must travel, please be extremely careful and drive safe :))


Born2fayl t1_j6hsc6g wrote

I’ve driven professionally for most of my adult life. I do not work on ice. There’s no way to mitigate the potential problems enough to make it worth it to me.


ShallotExtension8175 t1_j6io6y7 wrote

4 wheel drive = 4 wheel slide.


YourTokenGinger t1_j6is8te wrote

It’s pretty crazy the number of people I meet who believe that four wheel drive is a silver bullet against icy roads.


ShallotExtension8175 t1_j6it7ux wrote

It gives the illusion of safety for an extra 10k on sticker price. 4x4 gets you out of bad spots, not through.


jweezy0215 t1_j6hwz9l wrote

Just got home from work.. def slick.. turning lanes real slick and stopping wasn't easy but take it slow and give yourself plenty of room you'll make it.. scary part isnt yourself as much as trusting others some going slow some still going way to fast .. be safe out there


Notchersfireroad t1_j6htn8p wrote

Snow doesn't bother me in the least but I don't eff with ice. Just yesterday morning it was bad enough I got lucky and witnessed a car just barely avoid the ditch so I turned around and went home. The road I was just on 5 minutes before had already frozen and lost all traction.


VictoryTheScreech t1_j6hu9r3 wrote

I’m wondering how bad it is outside. I heard everything is solid ice and I have work/school in less than an hour. I can’t afford an accident


MikeSchimm OP t1_j6huek4 wrote

looking at the traffic cams on modot it seems like there’s already a fair bit of cars out on the road. I’ll probably be going into work, just going to give myself extra time and take it really slow


VictoryTheScreech t1_j6hx5wf wrote

I likely trust myself to drive, its other people that I can’t trust. But getting out if my neighborhood is impossible anyway. Theres a small hill going down on the way out and everyone is sliding into another neighbors yard/the curb. I’m sitting it out today.


SweetSewerRat t1_j6i6alm wrote

Not putting yourself in a dangerous situation is the best way to avoid an accident. Good decision, make hot chocolate and eat cookies if you've got it. Man I miss snow days.


telxonhacker t1_j6hvnm0 wrote

several slide offs reported over the police scanner, be safe.


tdawg-1551 t1_j6i4j9n wrote

Side roads are slick, definitely don't try and stop downhill. Main roads are fine if you use the appropriate caution. Just watch out for center lanes and turn lanes.


deborah_jai t1_j6i8oim wrote

It’s fucking terrible outside and I’m livid my employer called us in.


Outrageous-Ad-2761 t1_j6hzl7p wrote

I called in and I can't decide if it was a good move or not. Probably was, considering I think we are going to get more today? Either way, I hope everyone has a safe day !


zeusamoose t1_j6iakjw wrote

If you have to get out today, and you park your car outside, please allow not only enough time to go much slower than normal, but enough time to scrape all of your windows before you drive. I saw way too many with only part of their windshield clear this morning when I had to get out.


Edrod00 t1_j6igw75 wrote

It's slick out there, barely made it to work. It's a bit of a ghost town


GimmeAMalt t1_j6io90b wrote

Wait so now there’s ice AND ghosts?! Oh I’m staying home.


Acrobatic_Traffic408 t1_j6iok1h wrote

Not going in. I don't have the full coverage insurance and my job won't pay for the repairs. They're just gonna have to wait.


my_monkeys_fly t1_j6i5g3r wrote

I drove in last night and am fixing to head home on 13. Go slow. Be alert, and you should make it. Modot has been put all night. I have 4 miles of hilly dirt road that scare me, but ive always made it


lubadubdub124 t1_j6i9u1j wrote

I left work at 7:30 this morning and the roads are very slick. Stopping and turning is a bit difficult, but if you keep your distance from other vehicles and drive SLOW, you'll be alright. If you're driving for your job (FedEx, UPS, etc) I'd definitely stay home, though.


External_Staff_300 t1_j6ibrj9 wrote

I know how to drive on ice safely. And I'm sure many others do too. What you can't plan for is the people who don't but drive on it anyway. Or, even worse, the people that are still going to speed like idiots.


HERE_COMES_THE_BINKY t1_j6i9pwp wrote

Car is stuck in a parking lot downtown with the minimal of incline. I can not reverse out without sliding. Almost hit car parked two spaces over twice.


Digital-Latte t1_j6ivphw wrote

My wife and I said screw it and stayed home today lol.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j6j1azm wrote

It's not that bad today. The main roads aren't slick except here and there. Side roads are slick but overall it just requires slower driving and extra caution.

I drive a small fwd sedan, and this is no where near bad enough for me to consider calling in.


suchawildflower t1_j6j9eoq wrote

Thing's it gonna be on your way home? It's getting worse every minute.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j6jd6pk wrote

Judging by the radar it's only going to get a little worse. It'll be a bit slicker this evening, but this isn't a major winter storm.

If this is what it takes for people to call in, I'd suggest a remote position or moving someplace where driving conditions are ideal year-round.


nomoregoodnames88 t1_j6j5kvd wrote

My job is driving, and I still have to drive in this weather no matter what. Drive slower, be very cautious, slow down way before your stop comes, when you see a stupid driver pull to the side or the other lane and let them pass. It is ice on the roads not the worst I've been in but I've been fine all day just go slow and easy.


Serious_Bumblebee519 t1_j6id5oc wrote

Whatever you decide…. Be careful one slip has the potential and everything takes a backseat to recovering from that fall.


Accomplished-Put4143 t1_j6jbmfp wrote

I confirm with my foreman through text, on his work phone, that I'm required to be on site. Anything happens, it falls back on them.


UranusViews t1_j6k02bn wrote

Wise words from my Wisconsin truck driver friend. If you cant drive 45. Park it.


umm1234-- t1_j6kkixn wrote

My job dosent close so I went in. Unfortunately if I don’t show up the other can legally leave. I’m not happy but I get to crank the heat in a house I don’t have to pay bills in and hang out. At least it’s not retail or some shit


Virulence93 t1_j6lebpj wrote

Ice around here is an equal opportunity yeeter. -10/10 recommend.


7018 t1_j6induu wrote

Roads aren’t too bad at all except for all the dumbasses who don’t know how to drive


xcityfolk t1_j6i66d3 wrote

meanwhile, fire, police and EMS be sipping their coffee waiting for you guys to decide if it's OK to drive today or not.


phenixflyer t1_j6hsyrs wrote

Go in. Don't go in. Big wheel keeps on turning.
