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WorldFoods t1_j3tureu wrote

I feel like this is a lesson (a tragic one) on intent and impact. I believe Patrick had the best intentions in setting up the fundraiser. He is a good man who has shown that he loves his community and cares about spreading kindness. But he messed up. Big time. And he’s acknowledged that. BUT I feel like his explanations have been to try and explain his intentions instead of just acknowledging the impact it had on the family. Whether or not he meant to exploit them, that is how it impacted them, and all of this would have gone better if he had just acknowledged the hurt he caused instead of trying to explain that he had pure intentions. I understand wanting to clear your name, but I think at this point, that would have been the better statement to make. I think that Patrick has learned from this, but I do really feel for the family. I hope that he does get a chance to talk with the family and apologize.