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Medicat t1_j3yqn0v wrote

That group is essentially the Patrick Nett fan group. It’s cringy to me


Content_Idea t1_j40cwk6 wrote

I’ve always thought how strange it was that they all worship him as if they are all personally involved in his life. “I know Patrick he’s a great guy!! He would never…” Just because you saw him in his restaurant doesn’t mean you personally know him. Like you’re just another customer… 😂


Substantial-Guide625 t1_j4g3hep wrote

Sounds like the WTF Springfield Group and their worship for Mick Hickman and Brad Calbert, even though the latter is a confirmed creep.


Several_Attorney5642 t1_j4xv4bo wrote

They’ve tried to turn a group that roasts strangers into a business venture to promote their businesses. Gross.


Several_Attorney5642 t1_j4xvjdt wrote

Hickman gets a comment on the Eat Springfield Mo page & literally blasts her. “Cancel culture”? I’ve never eaten there & never will, just for his pitiful attitude.


erichkutslilpp t1_j40ui8x wrote

Its not much different than this sub. Its really weird and doesn't seem organic.