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GeneralTonic t1_j4442j4 wrote

Most Redditors believe in the rule of law and a little something we call civilization. Others, given their childish worldview, would have us stabbing each other with sharpened sticks for food inside of six months. The latter group is making gains.


Television_Wise t1_j44aqny wrote

It seemed pretty obviously a joke/vent post. There aren't dogs large enough to recreate what those children went through when you consider size ratio and how it impacts damage and terror.

I think it's pretty common (and harmless) for people to wish someone who does harm could get an equal measure of that harm back. What's bizarre to me is taking someone seriously on this and getting angry at them.

Children in our community were permanently scarred, damaged, and traumatized. It's natural to be angry and need to vent or wish for justice/just desserts.

Once again: wishing out of anger is not the same as supporting the fall of rule of law, or whatever.
