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goldencrisp t1_j4ncah7 wrote

While that’s true, I want to be sure I’m not accidentally reinforcing negative behavior or missing crucial steps. Most of the classes are affordable so, to me, it’s a no-brainer to have that solid foundation for the future.


Fuselol t1_j4nft3y wrote

It’s all good. Just throwing out ideas.


goldencrisp t1_j4nhcgq wrote

Will Atherton has seriously made me reconsider doing classes since I’ve had some luck with a few of his techniques already. But again the classes are so affordable they’re hard to pass up.


Numerous-Mix-9775 t1_j4og2bo wrote

Maybe affordable to you, not to me, and we just acquired a puppy we weren’t planning on getting - I’ll check out that channel though, I’ve been trying to find some good ones!