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Snekathan t1_j6dmbsp wrote

The best thing you can do for yourself is get YOURSELF help. I know it sucks, I know you want and deserve Justice, but your health comes before any of that.

Seek mental help, therapy. Not because you’re crazy, because you went through something horrific and traumatizing. Our mental health has a very direct impact on our physical health.

I’m sure you have other physical issues going on as well as a result of the terrible circumstances, but since you said the doctors aren’t helping you maybe you should just take the path that helps you the most- getting the mental health checked!

I hope you can get the help you need. So sorry something like this happened to you and I’m sorry law enforcement is useless

As someone else said, you should also try getting an attorney when you are able. Lots of attorneys, especially those representing victims, will take on your case with no payment up front “pro bono”