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VaderTower t1_j4yvwvy wrote

Not at all. You're complaining and wallowing in your own self pity.

Get the fuck out of here with your classist bullshit about how you somehow are better than McDonald's or Walmart workers, and how they need to keep their wages low so you can be superior.


Marqueso-burrito t1_j4yw27z wrote

Wow. Went completely over your head. Bye.


Starportalskye t1_j50xlvo wrote

I completely understand your point. There’s more complexity to that too but I’m not even going in on that considering the responses.


Marqueso-burrito t1_j510khh wrote

Man I’m just tryna support my family and give them a better life than I had. I can’t do that working at McDonalds, Walmart, Taco Bell, or any of the other jobs I had, but I guess that makes me a bad guy.


[deleted] t1_j52fweb wrote



Marqueso-burrito t1_j52g2we wrote

I literally have a job now I’m no longer searching I have a great opportunity that I’d be an idiot to turn down. It’s not good work, but it pays damn good.