Submitted by Lost-Can-4218 t3_10fjzdv in springfieldMO

I recently made a post trying to gauge the perception of the E. Kearney Walmart. I tried to distance myself from it to avoid liabilities. Just to let you know I happened to have been a Brosnan security guard who spent 12 hours a day and sometimes more at this location. I witnessed things occur there and had interactions they the average customer doing some shopping might have no experienced. Yes, there is a massive drug problem. I've had to call an ambulance multiple times for people who have OD'd in one of the bathrooms or laid down on the benches unresponsive. Yes, there this place has an issue with homelessness and the problems that come along with it.

My question is --- What can I do with this information other than post it here so people are aware?

As less than a week ago I'm a former employee of Brosnan who does the security at Walmart. specifically the East Kearney location which is regarded as the worst by Walmart staff and contracting partners.

The staff and other Brosnan employees at this location had expressed open hostility toward me and had referred to me in derogatory racial and ethnic slurs and the general demeanor of staff was either cold or downright hostile. The final straw was when one of the employees who has been known to have more than a few screws loose went on a loud rant about how he keeps his handgun in his work locker ready to shoot anyone who causes problems even though he worked the over night shift with no one else there but other employees. I reported this to both Walmart and Brosnan as a security hazard. I was mysteriously terminated days later after Walmart stated they no longer wanted me working at that location.

Other instances that should be concerning:

-I was asked by Walmart staff to follow people around for no reason whatsoever. They oftentimes happened to be people of color. At one point I told them that following people was not my job and that I thought it was REALLY odd that these oftentimes were all black people who didn't seem to be acting odd at all. The staff accused me of being unwilling to do my job even though they admit to not seeing these people shoplift.

-This Walmart has less than five black employees despite being located in the highest black populated area in Springfield.

-They once fired a black employee for arguing with his girlfriend who also was an employee. They happened to be an interracial couple (black male/white female) . I really didn't know why they both weren't fired if arguing lead to termination.

-There is an older Brosnan working there names "Darren" who routinely uses homophobic and racial slurs and has complimented customers on their racist tattoos. Everytime a trans person would enter the store it'd trigger a large amount of homophobic slurs. He'd listen to the police scanner in the Brosnan truck and tried using real police lingo and acted so foolish that I felt extremely embarrassed for him He was a single man in his late 50s. He hated gay people to the extent that I thought he doth protest too much.

-I was referred to as "The Indian Doorman", "camel jockey a-rab" who wasn't from "here". People have stated that I was some kind "eastern European". Most of management including Brosnan withheld information from me through a lack of communication making it feel as though I couldn't perform my job responsibilities properly.

-There are a clan of religious bigots that work there that contribute to the vaste majority of the toxicity. These people reported me several times claiming my pants were too tight as opposed to the standard issue mall cop three sizes too big MC hammer pants that most of the Brosnan staff wore. I did point out that my pants complied with dress code and were a better option for the winter.

-The site supervisor for Brosnan named Frank has a relationship with one of his subordinates named Jade. She has had other conflict of interest relationships with Brosnan management some of which were with married men who lost their job after Jade took it upon herself to report them to HR due to the power dynamic at play.

-I was once attacked by a Walmart customer who apparently had some mental health problems. He approached the Brosnan truck calling me a mother fuckers and a maggot for no provoked reason. I sat in the truck and radio'd management and asked permission to trespass the person. There was no response. This was common for me when I was in bad situations due to the staffs discrimination issues. They absolutely hated me and seemed to take pleasure in hearing me in distress.



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LifeRocks114 t1_j4xazhk wrote

Some of this sounds actionable if you have proof (i.e. recordings, emails, texts). Contact an employment lawyer for wrongful termination if you feel like you have a case. I don't know if there's a state advisory board for private security like Brosnan, but if there is-or if there's a larger corporate structure you'd probably want to file a complaint with them. Same for walmart, file a complaint directly to corporate (and if you have proof of your claims, tell them that you have it and you're willing to provide it).


N7Manofkent t1_j4xbovj wrote

Dude I don't know what to say about that, but it does seem like the sort of shit I used to put up with back in the UK before I moved here


Lost-Can-4218 OP t1_j4xdzvy wrote

Well, the compliant I filed to Walmart lead to my termination. The guy threatening some potential troublemaker. That shooting in Virginia by a Walmart manager was still on my mind. Due to being unarmed and not a peace officer made me feel very out in the cold and inept in such a situation.

I did file a more detailed with Brosnan that included conflict of interest relationships with subordinates, harassment from staff and neglect by management.

Brosnan is run by Patrick Brosnan who is Fox News correspondent. The fact that unarmed Walmart security is the lowest rung of the Brosnan pecking order I think they'd just let this burn itself out as long as Walmart keeps the contract.

I'm familiar with HR policies. They have zero obligation to maintain records and are encouraged to destroy them to avoid and kind of court order discovery.

I do have text message conversations with Frank where he's rude and condescending. He seemed to text everyone on a daily basis to bring them up to speed but only texted me maybe once a week if that.


jjmcgil t1_j4xegt5 wrote

With this kind of stuff you've gotta document document document, then lawyer up.


Dbol504 t1_j4xelcg wrote

I stopped shopping at Walmart because they want to pay more people to catch people stealing rather than have them as cashiers that would prevent shrinkage at the self checkouts. Started exclusively shopping at Price Cutters. Prices aren’t that much more and I don’t feel like a criminal being watched all over the store.


dhrisc t1_j4xfkyn wrote

This is all exactly what id expect, and probably has parallels throughout the city. The working poor and totally indigent are all wallowing in the same mire. I have not really heard anything good about any private security in general here, outside of occasionally there is an individual who is good. It is all so often bigger then an individuals actions can really sway or fundamentally change, being open and public goes along way. I dont think the avg person knows how often folks are oding in public in this city for instance, we can act like its a distant problem if we arent facing it, same thing with the absurd transphobia and racism u mentioned.


Lost-Can-4218 OP t1_j4xfnzu wrote

The people they hire to catch shop lifters would be the asset protection people. Who actually are just the regular employees with duel roles. They maybe are out on the floor as secret shoppers four hours a day other times they're at a cash register,pulling a pallet jack and stocking shelves.

Brosnan who has no contractual authority to accost potential shop lifters, but only provide a visual deterrence, yet are scapegoated by Walmart asset protection all the time. You're pretty much paid to exist in the store 12 hours a day.


Trixxxxxi t1_j4xidxr wrote

How did you not know the Greyhound was closed if you worked there as of a week ago? Why make a fake post to see what people's opinions on that Walmart were?

Sounds like more bullshit.


Lost-Can-4218 OP t1_j4xjccq wrote

The sad thing is that I was the likely one of their best security guards. During my parking lot checks I took it upon myself to look into windshields of cars and do bathroom checks every hour. To see if someone was sleeping/unconscious/dead. I often got tossed into the same lot of Brosnan employees who were in fact racist, lazy or inept. That job attracted a lot of wannabe cops, and lazy people who saw is as a job that consisted just fucking around all day. I always found ways to fill my day in a security related manner.


Ichewsyou876 t1_j4xkzht wrote

I'm so sorry hon, welcome to Southern Missouri.


NotBatman81 t1_j4xmxm2 wrote

Back during the bath salts craze, I was leaving that Walmart and guy ran right past me and into the store stark fucking naked and profusely sweating. Middle of a Saturday.


Same-You-6523 t1_j4xq1qy wrote

Greyhound? Explain? I don't see him saying anything about that.

OP how do they determine who to follow in the store shopping? Like, do they watch a monitor in the back room and then tell you who to follow thru your earpiece? Please tell me it's not like that lol


Lost-Can-4218 OP t1_j4xv11l wrote

Lol I think I know which one you're talking about Campbell/Grant neighborhood market, possibly.

I was the only one there who looked the role. The only there over six feet and went to the gym. The rest were very small and out of shape and probably added credence to private security being laughing stock. The Walmart employees actually complained that I was too large and intimidating


Lost-Can-4218 OP t1_j4xw9fc wrote

I honestly view the Greyhound bus as a cattle cart. Something I've never rode on once in my life so I simply didn't know.

It was never my responsibility to follow anyone, and in fact Brosnan prohibited it, yet ignorant Walmart employees would try to hoist that on me until I had to set them straight, especially with the racist tone it had.

I would be approached by a cashier. Usually the one supervising a self checkout or even a greeter. Also when I'd do an entire perimeter sweep of the store and doing so I'd be approached by a staff member staying to the effect that they don't like the looks of someone that just so happened to be some brown.

Asset protection people really just walk around the store in regular clothes and start to follow people they determine to be sketchy. They will talk on a company phone to an AP in a office or one also walking the store.

Just so you know the AP office is the door. Just to the left while you walk in through the pharmacy side entrance it's almost always unlocked and the APs have zero right to detain you. If they ask you to go into their office it's not a detention hence the unlocked door. Feel free to run.


Glittering-Bake-2589 t1_j4xxqkt wrote

Maybe contact Springfield Newsleader or KY3? Most often they won’t pickup on these stories, but if it’s a slow day, then they might.

Also it’s not a local company, but a big corporation, so I bet they would be more willing to do an exposure article


Snekathan t1_j4yj77j wrote

I was at Walmart today with my sister and one of those “secret shopper” AP guys was very obviously following us for a good while for no reason, it was so uncomfortable. I definitely always feel like I’m being watched when I shop at Walmart

I worked at Walmart previously so when you know what to look for these guys are so obvious 🙄 think they’re slick lolll


SomeComparison t1_j4yvon9 wrote

Why do they drive around the parking lot going 2 mph? Are they really accomplishing anything? They are constantly in the way when I'm trying to drive in and out of the lot.

People suck. I purposely try to get in and out of there without dealing with anyone.


No_Draw7115 t1_j4z8uej wrote

Omg. Please ignore my first comment as I didn't mean to comment but my phone, when I'm carrying it doing other tasks, randomly makes comments. This is not the first time. I'm so sorry everyone.

Btw, I do not shop at Walmart because I find it less than satisfying.


Lost-Can-4218 OP t1_j4zkpob wrote

No not really we were required to drive 5 mph and no higher. Most people take that job to waste 12 hours and get paid for doing so.

There are sensors in that truck that detects when it's moving more than 5 miles an hour and only time it can move more than 5 miles an hour if you're driving to a gas station to fill up on gas. Otherwise you end up getting in trouble. I know it piss people off and then it really was more of a danger than anything else because people would get cut me off not knowing what's in front of me nearly hitting pedestrians. I'd find a vantage point and just camp there for an hour until I was told not to do that anymore and just went back to driving extremely slow and ruining customers experiences at the store.


armenia4ever t1_j50ibp4 wrote

  1. How much have you documented? Screenshots? Emails? Pictures? Any audio?
  2. Do you have any contact or can you contact any of these other people you've mentioned? (The fired black employee for instance?)
  3. You could probably talk to a lawyer about what might needed to file an actual OSHA or DOL complaint.
  4. These people work for Walmart and Brosnan. I'm not dunking on anyone's job, but in a very tight labor market for "low-skilled" labor in retail and service sectors, businesses are likely gonna sweep this under the rug. That and these people don't work for Google or in some kind of corporate white Collar high paying job. They can't be "cancelled" It's like getting someone fired from Mcdonalds. They can literally just go down the street to any of the other fast food places desperate for workers.
  5. Best of luck and this might actually be a blessing. You were working a thankless job where you can't actually/aren't allowed to do much. If the people you are around won't help themselves, move on. Don't let it drag you down.

Lost-Can-4218 OP t1_j52c8qw wrote

WM is synonymous with poor taste low quality and low class. Everything about that store is I don't give a fuck we're a national institution we aren't going anywhere and you have no choice most of the time.


Lost-Can-4218 OP t1_j52cjrn wrote

Well it's kind of a double-edged sword because I can reveal this and they don't give a fuck because this is a lower paid employee saying that not a high no ranking corporate disclosing things to a competitor.

I documented phone numbers and everything else and just due to the nature of the harassment I was fairly isolated at that store so knowing names and people is going to be pretty hard because I didn't even know anybody on a first name basis even other than the employees I've worked with.


No_Draw7115 t1_j546sn3 wrote

When I was 12 years old (I'm 51F) I was in a Walmart in Mountain Home, AR with my mom shopping. I wandered off to look at the Barbie doll toys as I usually had done. This old creepy man approached me and asked me if I could help him. Immediately I got a stranger danger feeling. Just a fraction of a second later he was trying to physically pick me up and cover my mouth so I wouldn't yell. I YELLED....he let go and i quickly went to go look for my mom. This man followed me for 20 minutes until I found my mom and he promptly disappeared. I told my mom what happened and when we got to the checkout she asked the cashier if maybe he was store security and was told they didn't have store security. When we got outside to the parking lot there was that man again. My mom told him to back off and he did. THIS MAN TRIED TO SNATCH ME there is no doubt in my mind. I have hated Walmart ever since.


jttIII t1_j57ao03 wrote

I don't want this to sound rude, and I am sincerely NOT trolling you... But I genuinely want to get your thoughts on what I'm gonna say.

I simply don't respect, recognize or comply with Brosnan security officials at all...

Now I never go out of my way to agitate or instigate anything or manufacture a conflict and in general I operate on a polite and courteous wavelength. But when I'm asked to slow down and provide a receipt for an item I bought at the electronics section it's a hard "Nope!" and I don't break stride doing it.

Out of genuine curiosity what actual authority do you have to detain, let alone put hands on any citizen?