Submitted by Total-Investment7462 t3_10jpvdu in springfieldMO

Forgive me if there are other threads on the topic? But I have a few questions about the area..(we're possibly moving from an out of state large metro) I have done enough research (online anyway) to narrow down our areas of focus for a home. Mainly east of town (Hickory Hills?) - and further south (Highland Springs, Ozark, Nixa, etc). We have school age kids and we prefer public ed - what are the best performing districts/schools? I'd like to hear from people with firsthand experience, rather than what "Great schools" or "niche" online have to say. Also, if there are any non-religious private options as well? But as far as I can see, it seems only the Catholic schools have much of a private presence in town.

If you have moved from out of town, how welcoming has everyone been towards you - and where in town did you end up, and why? Is "Midwest Nice" truly a thing? :)

Best restaurants to eat?

Where would/do you take some of your friends and family when they are visiting from out of town?

Sorry if this is redundant, and if so, please link me to another thread. I'm not trying to waste anyone's time. Thank you all in advance. We have a tremendous opportunity to relocate - and want to make the best decision!



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socialistpizzaparty t1_j5mhqcz wrote

I moved here from a larger metro as well and have found that for the most part, people are friendly. Get ready for a lot of mediocre food. The upside, it makes you REALLY appreciate a good restaurant when you find it. We don’t have high end retail, you gotta go to KC or St. Louis for that stuff. Our weather is very moody, but we have nice seasons.

People say “oh Springfield is going downhill, so much crime, traffic, etc” but those folks have never been in a city. I see more good here than bad and think Springfield is a great place to hang your hat.


cmiller727 t1_j5mm4ks wrote

I grew up in Springfield but moved to Republic about 12 years ago. Only my oldest kiddo is school aged - 1st grade- but so far we are really fond of the Republic School District. He recently qualified for their gifted program and they've gone out of their way to keep him engaged. Republic also has a really engaging parks and Rec department and far more parks than other nearby cities (it's part of what keeps us here)

Do your kids have any special interests? Some local districts obviously excel in certain interest areas.

All the close non SPS districts (Willard, Nixa, Republic, Ozark) are growing RAPIDILY and sports are highly competitive and hard to get in to.

I grew up on the north side of Springfield (Reed and Hillcrest) which did have a high level of poverty but I had a FABULOUS experience! Central High School (which is center city and also a high poverty rate) also has an amazing international baccalaureate program with great advanced classes.

I'd be happy to help with any specific questions!



Dbblazer t1_j5n5pcc wrote

Man i liked the "gifted" program so much growing up. I'm astonished that the same treatment is not provided for all children. Test scores should not take away opportunities for 10yo's


Wyldfire2112 t1_j5o3bi9 wrote

Don't know what your gifted program was like, specifically, but you have to ask yourself this: Would the 50th-percentile kids actually find it as interesting and engaging as you did, or would they have floundered and felt bad about themselves because they couldn't keep up?


Wyldfire2112 t1_j5o354d wrote

>He recently qualified for their gifted program and they've gone out of their way to keep him engaged.

As someone who is just barely over into the "profoundly gifted" range, myself, I'm super glad to hear they're on top of this kind of thing.

It took until junior high for someone to actually realize I didn't have ADD, I was just bored and disengaged because the teachers weren't keeping up with the speed at which I could digest information.


WendyArmbuster t1_j5mmn75 wrote

When comparing schools do not base your decision on what the "best" schools are on standardized testing. Nixa especially has leaned into test scores heavily as a way to boost property values (since they don't have anything else), but the teacher burnout and lack of teacher autonomy is brewing a low-level mutiny. The teachers are being micro-managed to death, and most of the Nixa teachers I know plan to leave in the near future. I mean, if you value test scores over critical thinking and big picture ideas, Nixa will suit your needs, and honestly some people are looking for that. I don't know many Ozark teachers, but I hear it's similar there.


Wyldfire2112 t1_j5o3kzv wrote

So very much this.

The ironic thing is that the schools administrations were trying to catch up to with that kind of BS are doing the exact opposite and teaching critical thinking, big-picture type lesson plans so the students are just better able to learn and get better scores.

People seem to never learn that you have to come at this stuff sideways.


Helovesmycoconut t1_j5mepfl wrote

My boyfriend moved from Boston to Missouri two years ago. I randomly find him talking to strangers in stores because he says “everyone here is so friendly.” It’s 100% real.


jackie_wiggiwoo t1_j5milqz wrote

I live in the Hickory Hills area, it’s fairly quiet. I attended and my child attends Springfield Public Schools. SPS has a variety of Choice Schools to choose from and soon a Performance and Fine Arts Academy.


npcrites t1_j5mne9r wrote


Rama Thai Don Toño The Garrison / Finley Farm The Big Slice Craft Sushi (decent poke) La Paloma Zayka (Indian food) Korya (bibimbap) Gilardi’s / Avanzari (Italian) Big East Grill (Cajun) Galloway Grill Shanghai Inn (personal favorite for ‘Springfield style Chinese’ aka boneless wings with gravy and rice)

Coffee- The Coffee Ethic Big Mamas Kingdom Coffee Mud house Black Lab

As for stuff to do, there are some neat bars and other things downtown. Lindberg’s on c-street is cool. If you are into film, The Moxie is one of the best independent theaters I’ve found in any of the cities I’ve lived. Galloway and Sequiota area is fun. You can go on a walk and grab a meal and or a drink. Lots of other cool outdoor spots too within 30 min drive (Two Rivers, Busiek, Fellows Lake). Further south there are some really special areas as you get closer to the border with Arkansas. PM me and I can send you some spots.

As for schools, from my personal experience, I think the accelerated IB program might be the best education in the area. Note that you must live in the Springfield Public Schools district to qualify for this program (think it’s called Mitlers in Jr. High). I know they have a really great choir teacher but not sure about the other performing arts. Aside from that, the is the catholic school system. It’s pretty much what you’d expect. The education is probably better than many of the public schools for average students (they get more attention from teachers and staff), but the public schools offer more resources for students in performance arts and students in accelerated academic tracks.

As for places to live, it depends what you want. East side and south side of town is pretty suburban, and I would say more secluded than other parts of town. I think the midtown / birchtree and the Galloway area are kinda nice. But if you want more space / land / less ‘city’, the outskirts on the east or south side is nice.

As for the culture, I think people are generally kind and hospitable. Living here does come with its downsides as I think it can feel quite small at times (especially because people tend to stay in their own pockets of town). I’ve since left Springfield but grew up there. Feel free to shoot me a message and I can answer any questions!


robzilla71173 t1_j5prd38 wrote

There's a small independent theater in Joplin called Bookhouse Cinema. Same movies as the Moxie, (the owner is a big Moxie fan), but with a small restaurant and pub and a comfy area to play games, eat, do trivia nights, etc. Saw a film festival there a few weeks ago and am itching to go back. Cool little place.


npcrites t1_j5wxinx wrote

Did not know this! I’ll have to check it out


Basementdork t1_j5mdojw wrote

So I don’t have children but know a bunch of people do. Ozark and Nixa both supposedly have really good schools from what I’ve been told. I know a family member that did home school and he had some relationship with public schools so he could participate in sports etc so that could be an option.

I did move from out of state, but it’s been almost 10 years now (late 2013). I live in Ozark now. The people I’ve met have all been really nice. I think mileage there is going to vary. I will say I’ve never met so many people with farm animals as I have here. I don’t really get the county roads people waving at me ever but I’ve also not really had to many “bad experiences”. I’ve never had a package stolen or theft, which I know some people have.

We have a crap ton of restaurants here. So I’d say depends on cuisine but I will list a few of my favorites.

Greek Belly - Greek

Lindburgs or Galloway Grill - burgers

Post Game, Pappos, or the Mill - pizza

The Big Easy - creole/Louisiana style

Caesars - Tex-max/Mexican

Niji, Haruno - sushi

Expensive - The Garrison

Edited just to say welcome to the Ozarks!


Horror-Log1100 t1_j5medwp wrote

Schools: Greenwood Laboratory School and Summit are both private and non-religious. If you want better public SW SPS is your best in town bet. Otherwise, Nixa and Ozark are gonna be the public’s you want. Hickory Hills and Millwood/Highland are great locations. I’d be happy to give you a longer list of all the things.


WandererDynamic t1_j5mrdkc wrote

I’ll just say as a previous Greenwood kid it’s not good. It’s supposed to be advanced and leading edge but it is really not. Also the culture is toxic af. If you’re not a high brow socialite family you’re screwed. People send their kids there for the status. Kids would pay older kids $20 to push their “enemies” off the playground. And that was like 3rd grade.


teamfinder417acct t1_j5mz9kc wrote

Have seen and heard a lot of bad things there.


WandererDynamic t1_j5n74z6 wrote

A lot of straight up abuse from students AND teachers went unnoticed or worse, they just didn’t care. It all depends on who your parents are. I got physically beat by classmates when I told them I was going to change schools the next year; and the administration didn’t want me to tell my parents.


UranioMetriaPrincess t1_j5qdurf wrote

A few years ago ozark high school had a meditation and yoga class you could take as an elective. It was later stopped because those activities are “satanic”. So if you’re looking for a public school, stay away from ozark. They also have a lot of high school students that flaunt white supremacy.


name-isnt-important t1_j5mp00z wrote

A large portion of Highland Springs is in Rogersville school district while the remainder is Springfield (SPS). Not saying good, bad, or indifferent either way, just an FYI. Don’t rule out Springfield Catholic schools as an option. As far as other private schools, Summit and Greenwood as others have said.


famichikiherushi t1_j5mpvqh wrote

Last I checked (full disclosure, 15 years ago), Springfield Public Schools has open enrollment. As long as you live within city limits, you can enroll your children in any school. There may be eligibility issues for the first year of high school activities, but if you change schools for academic reasons, it shouldn't be a problem.

Check with a few different families who currently have kids around the same age. Principals and administrations can change quickly, to the point where schools that were good 5 years ago are no longer great options and vice versa. Though, if you hear anything about Central or Parkview being 'druggie' schools, the people you're talking to may be out of touch.

Highland Springs is a gated Country Club, but Fremont Hills would be the non-exclusive equivalent.

Some of the many "must visit" places, whether they're considered touristy or not, include Bass Pro Shops (we've got the big one, since Johnny Morris is from here) and Andy's frozen custard. There's Branson and Table Rock Lake 30-50 min away (depending on traffic and how fast you drive). There's other stuff to do, as well, depending on the time of year and what you like to do.


mungermoss245 t1_j5mqv4s wrote

Where are you coming from?


Total-Investment7462 OP t1_j5q44y2 wrote

Most recently (12 years) Phoenix. Previously Southern California. Wife is from the Phoenix area.


renny065 t1_j5mwyix wrote

Some of Highland Springs is in the Rogersville school district, which is a great district. Much smaller class sizes than in Springfield. Lots of community support. Small enough that kids can get involved in about anything, but large enough to hold its own at the state level.

Be sure to check out the Springfield Nature Center for fantastic walking/running trails. Nathanael Greene is the best park. Restaurants are hit and miss, but there’s plenty to choose from. Andy’s Frozen Custard alone is worth the move!

This really is a great place to live.


justanuggetinspace t1_j5nopf5 wrote

Id say you're biggest worry is how everyone drives here, I'm from FL and I thought drivers there were bad until I moved here and oh my are the drivers here some of the worst and scariest. Other then that it hasn't been all to bad, most people won't even say hi to ya and its more of mind ya business. I say hi to just about everyone I pass or give a friendly nod and I either get it back or ignored completely.


Huge-Air-7817 t1_j5o8wuq wrote

I’ve been told by Ozark graduates if you’re brought up through the Ozark system it’s fantastic and really easy. If you’re transferred in it’s a lot rougher. Every student I’ve known who was a transfer absolutely hated it.


Same-You-6523 t1_j5mlmro wrote

My kids went to Nixa and Ozark. Never had any issues personally. However, Nixa has had a couple teacher scandals the last few years, counting the one from today. Maybe not Nixa if I had to choose again.


Consistent_Speech713 t1_j5mppb2 wrote

I grew up in a rural town very close to Springfield. It was safe and just about everyone was upper middle class. I moved to Houston for about 5 years and had event attended school in south Houston for a few months while I was still a student. When I compare my small town school to that of the large inner city school, I got the best education in Missouri. I felt awful for my classmates in public school in Houston because as a sophomore, they were doing sixth grade math. I’m sure there were good private schools in that area but I didn’t attend those. I felt like my education was decent near Monett comparatively and I got an average ACT score with minimal effort (29 I think). When I lived and worked in Houston as a young adult, I liked how busy it was and how nobody cared about my business. The friends I had were much more direct than in Missouri. But I love and appreciate them on a much deeper level because there is an authenticity there that simply doesn’t exist in the Midwest. The people in the Midwest are lovely and friendly and will strike up a conversation. The crime rate is significantly lower and as long as you keep to yourself, you don’t have much to worry about. There is a downside to the friendliness here. And it’s the fact that everyone will be in your business. You won’t realize it at first. Your neighbors may run a background check on you. They will want to know every detail about you. This doesn’t represent everyone as a whole but it represents MOST of the people I love and grew up with. They will love you to your face but they will talk smack about you when you aren’t around. Just don’t take it personally and let it get to you. Springfield does have a lot to offer. The food is alright but not great. The shopping and entertainment isn’t as great as a larger city. But the cost of living is lower and life really does slow down here. People take their time when they do things. So it depends on what you’re wanting and what you value the most. I do love this community through the ups and downs. Oh yeah and one down side I forgot to mention are the redneck conspiracy theorists. There are lots of them. You can think you are speaking to a reasonable, rational person but then they open their mouth and Alex Jones comes out looool. So idk how much that matters to you. There are pros and cons to every place but I do think this place is decent. I have only lived here and Houston but I’ve also traveled quite a bit and I’m still here 😁. It’s a good place to get ahead and enjoy a slower paced life in general. Just don’t be too trusting and over share things even if you’ve been close to people for a long time.


PinchePoderes t1_j5n3qzh wrote

Willard is supposed to have the best schools but the community is very rural and internet access and distance to grocery stores is spotty. Republic is good, growing rapidly, cops there are…Dumb but friendly enough. If you have the money, Nixa is great, just kind of expensive housing imo. Ozark is great, but if you work in Springfield traffic in and out can be annoying. Not nearly as bad as living near DC though.

Edit: The restaurants are pretty bad, there are some gems but I’ve had more flops than anything. Nona’s is pricey but decent Italian, Jose Locos and Cesar’s are my go to Mexican places, Dublin’s Pass had good fish and chips last I went. The Chinese food here is weird, not that Chinese is known for being great to begin with but idk, just weird. Extra low quality. The famous “Cashew Chicken” is just fried chicken with gravy and cashews on it, it’s okay but mostly hype. Mexican Villa is like Taco Bell from


antares127 t1_j5njbbi wrote

Fun fact from Springfield, if you didn’t already know, that kind of cashew chicken was invented here. If you were born and raised and travel elsewhere you have to ask for it “Springfield style” to get it that way it’s made here.


Bladestewurd49 t1_j5p4evt wrote

"Taco Bell from" 🤣🤣 -accurate

Farmer Gastropub is where you go for Fish&Chips Nonnas used to be good, not so much anymore (there really isn't good Italian in town, just so-so American Italian) Jose Locos and Caesars - Good Calls Corner 21 is actual Chinese, and tasty Coffee Ethic, Mudhouse, or Architect - for excellent coffee Progress is your best bet high-end spot Skully's for Ramen City Butcher or Getting Basted for BBQ

I've had children in local schools for over a decade here and I'll tell you what people call "good schools" around here is about the same as "good Mexican" (Mexican Villa). Personally Republic or Ozark is your best smaller but not too small outskirt area schools. They are big enough to have some diversity without your kids getting lost in the systems. Willard is a tiny, refuse-to-grow town with a penchant for calling themselves the best in the area. Incredibly overpriced real estate with no real commercial infrastructure. It's quiet, but just about nothing in town you need other than a gas station.


Total-Investment7462 OP t1_j5q4hup wrote

Wow! I'm overwhelmed by the responses - I was hoping for a few - and I log back in this afternoon to see so much information. I can't thank you all enough :)


captTuttle76 t1_j5oi1xu wrote

This whole area is Trumper meth-heads. Why anyone would want to move here is beyond me. BUT, the cost of living is decent compared to big cities. Try to live in a surrounding city/town, as Springfield is fairly trashy except in the southernmost part.
