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jalt0731 t1_j5oq9a0 wrote

We have had a great experience and it is a wonderful education. We have not experienced bullying and I would highly recommend it. The current principal at the school is doing a really good job fostering positive school culture.


WandererDynamic t1_j5ps4ul wrote

I would just say (as a former student there) don’t trust the fact that you haven’t heard anything to mean it’s not happening. I was bullied relentlessly and my parents were never informed. When I told teachers and admin I was gonna tell my parents what really happened, they PANICKED and made me meet with every counselor the school had and the VP to convince me it wasn’t that bad and that they would “handle it.” I missed hours of class cuz I was crying and they wouldn’t let me leave. I had a teacher tell me that I was a “skinny bitch who was gonna die young”

ETA: that teacher retired but to this day has faced no consequences and the rich kids and admin still swear she was the best teacher to grace their halls.


Own_Ear_7356toss t1_j5rbmu1 wrote

this is an excellent point. If your child was assaulted at this school, the school will never tell you it happened.