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Own_Ear_7356toss t1_j5rbflh wrote

It is a terrible school. DO NOT Send your child there, unless they have low character and are bullies that will yell and fight their way without restraint.

We have kids there now. There used to be an old lady running the school who was senile (Duncan). She allowed a lot of bullying to go on under her watch. There still is a lot of it going on now. I PERSONALLY know of at least 7 children who have left the school because they were bullied in the last 4 years. I'm certain there are many more. In many of these cases, I have spoken to their parents and been told stories about how they brought their concerns to the school leadership multiple times. Little to no action was taken. The bullying continued on. I can speak to the character of most of the kids that left the school - they were all good, intelligent, non trouble causing respectful kids. These are the type of kids being run out of the school, under the watch and tacit approval of the schools leadership. I was even in the nurse's office once and overhead a disgusting story. There was an overweight child who went there frequently. When they asked him why, he told them he was constantly picked on because of his weight. The only place this didn't happen was at the nurse's office when his classmates weren't around him.

Often, there is violence from one student to another that goes with little or no punishment. Last year, a child choked another child 3 or 4 years younger for no reason and the school allowed him to go on a field trip the following day. I think his punishment was a one day suspension.

Academic achievement there seems to be a fraud too. Lots of kids are way behind in my kids grades and they school pulls them along, even when they have massive educational deficits.

There's a lot of Stepford parents there. They won't dare speak honestly about how disappointed they are in the school and their child's experience. They just simply smile and say it's going great! Don't be fooled by them.

There are some upsides to the school and not every child thinks they're the centre of the world, but while there are some good and bad kids, there's poor leadership, which allows bad behaviour to get way out of hand. There is little to no punishment for bullying and assault there. We have seen it with our kids and heard first hand stories many times from other parents.

Teachers - some are good, some mediocre and a few are rotten. One of them left last year thank god.