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Cthepo t1_j5qscgg wrote

I'm on the south side and it's already gotten up to 40 feet of pure ice, no BS.


feralfantastic t1_j5qwx19 wrote

I saw some polar bears get a school bus out of Willard. Second worst thing to happen to that school district in the last two months.


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j5qxnmy wrote

Donner says the wind will change ere the morning, but I am not so sure as he. Mrs. Murphy has said the wolves will dig up the bodies by the shanty, but it is too cold to set a watch.


Longjumping-Ice-8814 t1_j5rk34x wrote

I’m east of Springfield and the flooding is up to my waist. I’m gonna need Captain Springfield after this. Oh wait, he’s in hot water. Mine is brrrr cold. Where is Ron Hearst in shorts when you need him?!?!?! 🥶🌪️🧊🎄🇺🇸


ArtByChristinaCheek t1_j5sl9sj wrote

He's made amends and it's blown over now I think. On that topic, lots of misunderstandings I believe.


FlyWhiteGuyActual OP t1_j5qly3m wrote

anybody else ready for the RWD Rodeo


RedGoatMan t1_j5qtl9g wrote

Yee haw. Fixin to go rope me some hondas


PreciseLimestone t1_j5r4obf wrote

Most Honda’s are fwd. I’d expect more Pontiacs, dodge’s and fords.


SCORPIONfromMK t1_j5r58x6 wrote

Most Pontiacs on the road are FWD as well.


PreciseLimestone t1_j5r6cld wrote

True, Most CARS on the road are FWD. I was just trying to think of the shittiest old car manufacturer and Pontiac is what came to mind. Lol


SCORPIONfromMK t1_j5r6vja wrote

Oof words hurt man, why you gotta do me like that


PreciseLimestone t1_j5r7si7 wrote

If you are still barking up Pontiac’s tree for anything other than a trans am, you deserve the hurt 😂


scoop_booty t1_j5qprpz wrote

Patience, son, patience.


OmniFella t1_j5r9gxg wrote

My direct supervisor lives in Mississippi and has to go by the forecast. We got sent home like 4 hours ago and I still haven’t seen so much as a flake. Meanwhile Harrison south of us and Bolivar north of us have snow in the ground.


Huge-Air-7817 t1_j5skzep wrote

Big chunks of snow and it’s about four inches now. Small stacks of it on poles and cars.


InternalSystem t1_j5r4143 wrote

Ya but.....How're the roads?


Cloud_Disconnected t1_j5rmdxy wrote

Pure death. You'll get in a fatal accident if you even look outside. Lie down in your bed and accept your fate, we're all as good as dead. It's a judgement from Almighty God.

They're fine right now in Springfield. We won't know for several hours if it'll be bad. I don't think it will be since the ground is relatively warm, probably just slushy in the morning.


AmcillaSB t1_j5s46o1 wrote

I slipped and fell just thinking about going outside to get the mail.


SuperFluousNation t1_j5su0sr wrote

Its 3am now and I had a bit of slippin and slidin but otherwise I was fine. Unless somehow the temperature drops 30°s and all the slush freezes by daybreak, driving shouldn't be a problem at all.


Yomrdbz t1_j5tz5ud wrote

Wow man it's so awful out there! So terrible! Roads of death I tell you!!

FFS being a meteorologist is pointless around here I guess.


Benway23 t1_j5um5j5 wrote

How's that crow taste?


Sup3rSmash t1_j5rliz8 wrote

Snowing in the middle of Springfield, but not sticking!