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wildkarrde23 t1_j5w7gvp wrote

You're putting so many words in my mouth, you should buy me dinner first.


Saltpork545 t1_j5wb2gl wrote

> Next should be the Hawley Act which would ban insurrectionists from holding federal office.

Your words

> shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.

USC law.

You want a new law to do something an existing law already does. That's not 'putting words in your mouth'. It's pointing out your lack of knowledge.

Downvotes also don't make that less true. Sorry.
The existing law is fine.


wildkarrde23 t1_j5weriu wrote

Are you feeling OK? Have a bad day? I've been there, man. You seem to be dedicating a lot of time and energy over a cheeky comment that took me all of 30 seconds to write. If you want to go have a beer or something and chill out, let me know.


Saltpork545 t1_j60ksjv wrote

I'm feeling fine. Yesterday was actually a good day.

The problem is the circlejerk of ignorance and sometimes subreddits go full in and ask for seconds.

Your quip has a complete lack of even basic knowledge of the subject. Jan 6th was over a year ago and you've never once actually looked at federal insurrection law. It's literally a google search.

If you're going to name an insurrection law after someone wouldn't it make even a little bit of sense to actually look at insurrection law?

Oh, and I don't drink.


wildkarrde23 t1_j60te87 wrote

I'm going to share a little secret with you. I am VERY familiar with The Constitution and the standing laws on this matter. I was doing this whole thing where Hawley was being a disingenious troll, so I did some light trolling back. I didnt think this kind of thread needed a discussion on the nuance of treason laws. Then you showed up and went all "ACKCHYUALLY" on us.

My wife is out of town so I'm home with my two kids with nothing but time to respond to your righteous indignation with more flippant bullshit. You seem like you're super upset about this and it makes me wonder what kind of life you have to have for something so miniscule to matter so much to you?
Man, I wish I had your problems.