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Cloud_Disconnected t1_j5z88vj wrote

I can't tell you for the dev side, but I was in the same position, wanting to do a hybrid schedule because I like being in the office part of the time. I have about seven years of experience in implementations, sysadmin, and general IT.

Long story short, no one in Springfield would meet my salary expectation, so I'm moving. It took me about a month to find what I was looking for in another city, and that was after five, almost six months looking here. There aren't enough tech companies here for them to compete on wages. And as far as the local companies that are headquartered here and have their IT staff here... they don't exactly engage in wage-fixing, but, anything that is even remotely seen as poaching can get them blackballed pretty quickly.

As far as transitioning to full time remote, I mean we almost all did it 2020 didn't we? It works for some people, but not for others, and it pretty much comes down to your personality and work style. I'm pretty introverted, but it didn't work for me. I hit the wall with remote after about six months. Slack is great, but putting something out in the channel and waiting 20 minutes for people to get done playing with their dog or whatever gets old real quick.


goldencrisp t1_j5zezuj wrote

The pay here for most jobs is ridiculously low compared to equivalent jobs in other cities. Small town wages with city living expenses and an exorbitant amount of crime. Only thing currently keeping us here is our friends.