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whattheduce86 t1_j66qpw7 wrote

Some of those homeless people are gonna choose to be homeless regardless of the help, but the ones who want should def have a free place to go and maybe someway to volunteer or work to earn their stay.


Own_Ear_7356toss t1_j673hh1 wrote

Read this fast. The reddit crowd always downvotes this plain, clear truth. Some homeless don't want a home.


Fallout_NewCheese t1_j69cyef wrote

I don't understand why you're saying this like it's a gotcha. Someone wanting to be nomadic is fine. But that changes literally nothing in terms of building shelters for the people that are homeless due to not being able to afford to survive in this country anymore. I also believe that part of the small group of homeless people that prefers being nomadic prefers it because there's zero point in trying to work 40 hours a week and survive off the low wages in this area with the skyrocketing rent and cost of living. So yeah some people are genuinely happiest being nomadic but let's be honest part of that is because of how incredibly difficult it is to be a "functional member of society" at this point. Shit if I wasn't fortunate enough to be able to squeeze into a spare room with a family member and help them out in return, then I'd have given into my own mental illness and just started living on the streets when I lost my job a few months ago. I would also probably think being homeless was better than when I had housing before in that case. Not having to deal with the stress of paying someone elses mortgage every month, or dealing with some dickhead boss or shitty job to not even have enough pay minimum bills and still buy food. Like yeah of course some people would rather live in a van it's much more feasible than taking part in "normal" society at this point and committing 5 or more days a week to slaving away for someone else.