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malevolentk t1_j66z4as wrote

I care 0% what a Nixa council member thinks about ANYTHING

Folks aren’t anti development- they are anti shoddily built apartment complexes that will look like shit in 20 years across the street from a beloved park that already has shady access because the road needs to be redone

I think folks would be fine with condos or townhomes there - but we really don’t need more apartments in that area.


22TopShelf22 t1_j68y3qj wrote

How would you suggest fixing the lack of affordable housing? Typically apartments fill this need. As far as describing them as shoddy construction, what apartments built in springfield in the last 20 years look the way you describe them to be?


Zahille7 t1_j6c8x2y wrote

English Village. Was forced to move out because our upstairs neighbor broke their water pipe and flooded our place. My bedroom wasn't properly insulated, so I could feel the cold through the walls and window, as well as feel them "sweat" with condensation (my bedroom window would actually have water forming on the inside, and I found mold growing around the windowsill/frame a couple different times because of this). My main closet had mold growing on the back exterior wall.

Not to mention the weird-ass bathroom design of having the toilet and tiny shower in one closet-sized booth, then having the sink and counter with the vanity outside of that, in the bedroom proper with carpet running in front of it. Thank God there was no carpet by the shower or toilet, cause that would have extra gross.


Own_Ear_7356toss t1_j673sni wrote

We do need more afforable (apartments) housing, but just admit it you're a nimby


malevolentk t1_j67hjf5 wrote

I don’t even live over there

We need more affordable housing for people to BUY - not shitty rentals

The lack of entry level, affordable housing in good condition in this city is shameful


VaderTower t1_j696x1l wrote

Getting quality entry level, affordable housing, requires money being allocated from the city or state. No one is going to build a house or apartment that loses money for the good of society on their own dime.

Kind of like I wouldn't be willing to buy an extra house, and rent it for less than my loan for it, effectively losing money. A developer just won't develop any new property, entry level, workforce, luxury, etc if they aren't going to make money.