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The_White_Light t1_ja84afp wrote

No, but there's a big difference between an algorithm aggregating the interactions of thousands of users, spitting out reports like "people between the ages of 18-27 are interested in _____." and humans reading the exact prompts that are being typed in.


gk99 t1_ja8acxb wrote

Why? I mean fundamentally, sure, but why are you entering anything into an AI chatbot that you wouldn't want its creator to have? How do they guarantee the AI is properly generating those data reports without making sure it actually understands what is being said? What makes this a big deal?

This seems like a non-issue and a non-story to me. Security fears? Stop typing important shit into it.


PerspectiveCloud t1_ja876dd wrote

I do see a debatable difference, but I wouldn’t call it a big difference. It should be expected that if your data is being mined, someone may be reading what you type.


SuperToxin t1_ja9rn92 wrote

No that should NOT be expected. Holy fuck raise your bar for expectations from a fucking Company dude.


it_administrator01 t1_ja9wgyp wrote

lower your expectations for real life

It literally says right under the chat field "Free Research Preview. Our goal is to make AI systems more natural and safe to interact with. "

How exactly do you think it's learning?


Warm-Personality8219 t1_jaal3jp wrote

Has anyone cared to glance at ToS to see what the official position on said situation might be?


stihlmental t1_ja9z1oh wrote

Au contraire! In Europe, citizens ARE protected. In the U.S., politicians are spineless and either don't have a clue (dumb as shit) or don't care. American citizens don't know or don't care that they are the commodity. This populace is being used to feed the machine (corporations/politicians), its cannibalism!


PerspectiveCloud t1_jab9o7h wrote

Aight. Well I can report you, and a Reddit employee may read your post. So maybe follow your own advice and get the hell of this website lol


Sa404 t1_jabk7ad wrote

It’s basically the same thing, as long as your input is saved in a database of a free app you should lose all hope that your data is protected