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KingStronghand t1_j726qch wrote

If you call into the retail store for your area/state they should be able to tell you.if you Google Windstream retail store for your state you may be able to skip the 1800 number and go straight to them. If not the 1800 number is your best bet but I'm not a big fan of the 1-800 number. I think the retail stores provide better customer service. Feel free to DM me if you need help. It may take me a little while to respond since I'm working at the moment. I'll ask my boss if I can't answer your questions.

AEN-K0NG-S3X1 is my referral code for ws. You may be able to get a deal or promotion if you mention the code. I do commission from the code. The fiber builds are supposed to go on for the next 10 years I believe. So don't give up hope if it isn't there yet.

And no i didn't pick the sexy Kong referral code lol. WS randomly generated it. I like to think our programmers have a sense of humor lmao