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TbonerT t1_ja3gdaz wrote

You don’t find the ideas that they charged more than the market would bear and they can’t keep up with demand to be mutually exclusive? How does that work?


brucecaboose t1_ja3gujq wrote

Who said they couldn't keep up with demand at that time?


TbonerT t1_ja3hbqr wrote

Have you seen the lead times? A week is a short lead time and hasn’t been seen in years. Last year, I went to a Tesla showroom and they had 0 vehicles on display and a Model Y had a lead time of about 8 months. They clearly can’t keep up with demand, so the must not be charging more than the market will bear.


brucecaboose t1_ja3icu9 wrote

My friend bought 2 and had to wait overnight lol that was before the price drop.


SeaworthinessLeft88 t1_ja3xkkl wrote

I just bought an EV a couple of months ago, and I reached out to Tesla just out of curiosity. They were low on my list for a few reasons, but they were lowering prices and offering deals for the M3. Wait times (if any) are under a month unless you’re trying to buy a model x. Seeing as that’s a $100k car, I can’t imagine it has that many people actually waiting for a model x.