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BlogeOb t1_jadngur wrote

By keeps prices high in US to offset this


Adrian_Alucard t1_jac6mea wrote

> in more than 30 countries in Asia, Europe, Latin America, sub-Saharan Africa, and the Middle East. 

> As the BBC reports(Opens in a new window), the countries include Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Croatia, the Philippines, Venezuela, Kenya, and Iran, and the planned cuts there will reportedly see some subscription charges dropping by half.

Is the list of those 30 countries available somewhere? The article only mentions 8 countries


stappernn t1_jac46ez wrote

a debrid service is still cheaper and 100x times better in every way


GMW-5610 t1_jac5fku wrote

Illegal services are cheaper than legit services, who would have thought /s


stappernn t1_jac5h3c wrote

debrid services are perfectly legal


Yeah facts are sometimes shocking. I repeat debrid services are perfectly legal you can subscribe with your credit card it's all good,known companies provide these services since years they pay their taxes and everything.


TawnyTeaTowel t1_jacihcl wrote

Hold up - are you telling me you’re paying for pirated movies?!


stappernn t1_jacird7 wrote

no im telling you im paying for a debrid service, which is cheaper than neflix :)


GMW-5610 t1_jac67t4 wrote

What platforms or movie studios officially support them?


stappernn t1_jac68ze wrote

They don't need to debrid works with everything.


GMW-5610 t1_jac6nub wrote

Then it's not legal. You are basically using a paid link to a direct download. Where is the file coming from?

a) The content creator uploaded the file for you to download, in which case it's legal.

b) You are pulling the direct download link for a file pulled from a streaming platform, in which case it's illegal because you are breaking the licensing deal.

Services like Real Debrid live off user submitted content, none of it is legal because you are not paying who actually made the movie.


stappernn t1_jac6uju wrote

> Then it's not legal. You are basically using a paid link to a direct download. Where is the file coming from? > >

thats for me to know and me only :)

>Then it's not legal.

if you cant prove it , it didnt happen.

>Services like Real Debrid live off user submitted content, none of it is legal because you are not paying who actually made the movie.

and why are they in business for like 10 years? because it IS legal , otherwise they would have shut them down. this is not some deep web service this is accessible from regular internet and you can pay with Mastercard because its LEGAL.

>none of it is legal because you are not paying who actually made the movie.

thats not a crime, you are making up crimes now.


GMW-5610 t1_jac6xn6 wrote

I think your answers are enough of a proof. Thank you for proving my point.

Legal gray area, at best.

Edit: It's so legal the basement goblin here didn't take it personally at all, and blocked me.


stappernn t1_jac715g wrote

>Thank you for proving my point. Legal gray area, at best.

lol what? thanks for agreeing its not a crime XD
