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Druggedhippo t1_j75jxy1 wrote

If you ask ChatGPT the lifespan of an arctic fox, it'll give you same result as Google would in the first result.

> Arctic foxes live for 3 or 4 years in the wild and up to 14 years in captivity.

But the real power of ChatGPT isn't that it can output a result, it is that it has a primarily conversational aspect and it's ability to merge multiple things into a coherent discussion whilst remembering what you said earlier.

Lets say you want to expand on that, so you ask "what about it's diet?" to ChatGPT. It gives you a good result. To formulate that in Google, you'll have to write "arctic fox diet". And you'll have to open a new tab or perform a new search.

This is important as this new search has no context, each search is independent of another. With ChatGPT it remembers that you are searching about Arctic foxes.

And it can link your context with entirely different subject matters.

> write a short owners manual

Suddenly it spits out multiple levels of items about how to look after an Arctic fox. Point 4 is enrichment. So you ask

> write more detail about point 4

And it spits out a paragraph about how the arctic fox needs toys and enclosures and such. Take note that I didn't ask it about enrichment, I typed "point 4", and it KNEW I was talking about point 4 in the result it had given me. And now you want to be able to have your 10 year old help you look after it.

> write that for a 10 year old

Bam, now your owners manual is using words and phrases appropriate for someone 10 years old. Now you want that in German?

> Translate to german

And oh no, your new Arctic fox you bought is lost. You have to do a lost poster. How would you even do one? Well, ask ChatGPT

> write an lost poster for an artic fox

>Here's a sample lost poster for an Arctic fox:

> LOST: Arctic Fox > Description: Our beloved Arctic fox has gone missing and we are very worried. He is a small, white-furred fox with pointy ears and a bushy tail. He is friendly but shy, so please approach him slowly.

> Last seen: [Insert location and date]

> If found, please contact: [Insert phone number and/or email address]

> Reward: [Insert amount or item for reward if desired]

> We miss our furry friend and are eager to bring him back home. Any information or sightings of the Arctic fox would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your help!

Not only did it write the poster text, it added, on it's own, additional descriptive text like the color, tail, behaviour(shy!). That is linking things I didn't ask or even know at that point. If I had told it that my Arctic fox only had 3 legs, you would have gotten something more like this

> my fox only has 3 legs, rewrite the poster

> Sure, here's a revised version of the lost poster for an Arctic fox with 3 legs:

> LOST: 3-Legged Arctic Fox > Description: Our dear Arctic fox, who has only three legs, has gone missing and we are heartbroken. He is a small, white-furred fox with pointy ears and a bushy tail. He moves with a unique gait and may be timid, so please approach him slowly.


Now I'm not saying you can't many of the facts like this from Google, but the ability to speak in "plain language" and have it give back in "plain language" is the game changer here.

Also note, that on that above where I mentioned point 4. Google Nest can't understand what I'm talking about when I say "turn on the bedroom lights and set them to 100%", it doesn't understand that "them", it chokes because it has no context. Now imagine something like ChatGPT powering the text parsing.. it's understanding of context makes it light years ahead of existing public implementations. I fully expect personal assistants like Siri, Alexa, Bixby, Cortana, to be revolutionized.


PedroEglasias t1_j75kqzw wrote

Oh I 100% agree it's more powerful than a google search, I'm a dev and I use it every day to save me sifting through StackExchange results. I'm just pointing out to the haters that it's not that different from Googling information, it just saves you converting the results to a coherent / salient argument