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Caldaga t1_j8wtin6 wrote

I'm not going to argue further but if your intent is to imply that Abbott and his cronies are pro renewables you've already lost the plot decades ago.


ThePrince14 t1_j8wvcbb wrote

Did I say that anywhere in my posts? Please show me where I said that.

My only point was that Reddit likes to paint Texas with the broad brush that they’re this super conservative devil state against anything progressive, when in reality, if you look at the actual numbers, Texas has had massive amounts of investment in renewables and generates the most renewable energy in the country.

Just tired of the BS black and white hive mind on Reddit that lacks any sort of nuanced thinking. You can hate Abbott and the things he’s trying to do in the state while also stepping back to understand that Texas as a state is doing a great job of developing renewable energy infrastructure and should be supported in doing so.


Caldaga t1_j8wxrcu wrote

I live in TX. I was here when their grid failed thanks to their lack of investment in any infrastructure. Abbot can fuck himself.