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GMW-5610 t1_j8wrwzd wrote

Don't worry guys, the EU is working to save your asses.


claire0 t1_j8wvreo wrote

‘Of particular relevance to Apple products, one of the changes meant that companies were free to offer “assemblies” of parts, rather than separate components. This could, for example, mean that Apple only has to offer fully-populated motherboards for sale, rather than access to individual components like SSDs. The effect would be to make some repairs uneconomic, as well as to block DIY upgrades.’


Rickard403 t1_j8wwd46 wrote

Tech trade group TechNet gave suggested wording to NY Governor Kathy Hochul, who reportedly inserted that language verbatim.

Inserted verbatim? Tax payer dollars in action.


mtranda t1_j8x2wcw wrote

While I understand politicians need advisors, I feel that ultimately the full responsibility for the proposed law falls entirely on them (and should be written by them). Blatant cases such as allowing a lobbyist to "do your homework" should result in immediate dismissal and barring from any political position.

Edit: and punitive actions. I don't know about prison, but certainly life destroying financial penalties that would absolutely obliterate any wealth gained up to that point and force them into living like a regular citizen.


DECtape t1_j8x3u6d wrote

Our government is so bought and paid for I'm surprised I can't get it on Amazon.


Shempish t1_j8x9y3a wrote

Hey, it’s how we write our health care reforms. It’s the best way to protect consumers with legislation — let the companies put in as many loopholes and time delays as they deem fit.


MrTreize78 t1_j8xmf4n wrote

Anybody who thought that law would actually be what is implied by its name is crazy. Apple has too much pull in major metropolitan areas. A law like that has to start in states where farming/ranching is a booming trade.


rocketlauncher2 t1_j8xmlbj wrote

Proprietary hardware is evolving to scarier levels with each bullshit iteration. Is there FSF equivalent for hardware? We need all the help we can get. At least with software as bad as things get, free software is strong and surviving which I never would’ve expected. Hardware is a lot harder but just as worthy of a fight.


SlySychoGamer t1_j8xoqhy wrote

Canada has socilized health care, yet is doing so great...that it incentivizes euthanasia.

The E.U isn't much better, sure they got the usb 3.0 thing out of apple, that doesn't mean they are some enlightened state of authority.

The arrest people for saying mean things on social media ffs.

No one country is perfect, it's all about the pro's and con's and if america had more cons than pro's people would be leaving it and moving to EU, moving to mexico, moving to canada....but they aren't are they?


Rude-Opinion-3711 t1_j8xwa0y wrote

This is the biggest reason why I won't vote for Hochul again and no one else in NY should either. I would sooner write in "Bernard Sanders".


SirCorneliusRothford t1_j8xx985 wrote

Yeah it’s totally reasonable to have subject and industry experts weigh in on the policy you’re writing.

The problem is that politicians don’t actually check the homework that’s done for them. If you’re an engineer for a business and someone tells you “there’s no risks associated with this project,” you translate that as “I don’t know” and find someone else who can actually critique your plan. You don’t assume that there’s literally zero risk, because that just doesn’t happen


0pimo t1_j8y23i7 wrote

Most people aren't going to have the ability to replace BGA components like DRAM and NVRAM chips on Apple devices. Some repair shops might, but it's not something someone with zero experience and a soldering iron is going to be replacing.

BGA component rework requires $30k+ in equipment, temp and humidity controls and knowledge of how to build thermal profiles.

They are also moisture sensitive, so managing them is more complicated than just sticking them on a shelf and waiting for someone to buy them.


randymysteries t1_j8ybtv8 wrote

Selling parts to people to empower them to break their phones further seems a natural revenue stream.


ElMarkuz t1_j8yfqmm wrote

From Stallman perspective, a hardware is already "libre" or "free" because you can see what's in there and break it to your liking. But yeah, I agree with you that with mobile devices that's not always true


jammo8 t1_j8yrcnl wrote

Ahhh politics in action


Jaysnewphone t1_j8ywyrg wrote

Lawyers for insurance companies wrote the ACA.


ElMarkuz t1_j8yzcl2 wrote

I went to a Stallman presentation on a local university and I remember he saying something like what I said, this was 12 years ago, so maybe he changed his mind since then with the new trends imposed by the big tech companies.

Do you remember any good article by them? I also remember reading one from the FSF about how websites are not "free" anymore with the raise in popularity of the js/css bundlers that makes frontend code unreadable


Blaiserd t1_j8yzcyh wrote

I hate this quote so much because it is always used out of context as a smear. Often it is twisted to imply something completely different, like you did here. The pronouns are the key to the quote. Speaker Pelosi was criticising the media for being purposefully deceitful.

The point was the negatives were screamed with a megaphone ad nauseam, but nobody talked about the potential good. Therefore "we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy."


prodriggs t1_j8z5k4v wrote

Republicans made it legal for corporations to write this legislation on the behalf of politicians. There's no chance in hell that this is changing any time soon. Just an fyi.


littleMAS t1_j8z5sh6 wrote

I thought lobbyists wrote all the laws.


prodriggs t1_j8z617v wrote

>Canada has socilized health care, yet is doing so great...that it incentivizes euthanasia.

Because conservatives have been stripping away their healthcare funding in Canada...

>The E.U isn't much better, sure they got the usb 3.0 thing out of apple, that doesn't mean they are some enlightened state of authority.

The EU is actually much better than both American and Canada.

>The arrest people for saying mean things on social media ffs.

When did the EU do this?

>No one country is perfect, it's all about the pro's and con's and if america had more cons than pro's people would be leaving it and moving to EU, moving to mexico, moving to canada....but they aren't are they?

Because Americans can't afford to leave... LOL


SurrealEstate t1_j8zane7 wrote

Some necessary background

> ...the contents of the Affordable Care Act had been publicly available and publicly debated for months when Pelosi made her remarks in March 2010. The bill, in its original form, was passed by the House of Representatives in October 2009, and in the Senate that December. Although the bill was unusually long (the act runs to 906 pages in the legislative record, with many more pages of regulations) its contents had been subjected to intensive debate and scrutiny in both houses of Congress.


So_spoke_the_wizard t1_j8zidz5 wrote

This was one of two events that showed that Gov Hochul was no different than Cuomo. Both are Dem so of course the Republicans don't like them. But then they do some things with a conservative lean that seemed out of character for a Democratic governor.

Hochul pulled this stunt and nominated a Judge who some feel had some very conservative decisions.


ThatCoupleYou t1_j8zr3vf wrote

Right to repair is a good start. But anti malicious design is what we need.


Syrinex t1_j8zvdey wrote

They can re write laws to whatever they want, people will find a way around them just like they do when it suits them.


WigWubz t1_j8zyax0 wrote

And? You said it yourself - some repair shops will have the equipment and expertise, and it's in everyone's (except apple) interest that those repair shops be allowed buy the components, or you be allowed buy the component and bring it to the repair shop for them to install it.


JimAsia t1_j904yqi wrote

Don't blame the players, blame the game. If your politicians are allowed to accept bribes then they will allow lobbyists to write bills. It is really that simple.


EshuMarneedi t1_j9085w2 wrote

This is not the fault of the lobbyists or Apple or whatever. This is the fault of the politicians who are willing to take money to do anything, including doing nothing.


muncherofhay t1_j90kx2x wrote

I'll do you one better - it should be completely illegal for lobbyists to write any kind of cheque to any politician or PAC whatsoever. And every meeting a lobbyist takes with a public official should be broadcast on YouTube.


ExternalFar7953 t1_j90t7z8 wrote

News flash you are a POS if you own any apple products. A lazy POS at that.


DrB00 t1_j90xo47 wrote

So? Then make it more customer friendly for repairs. Don't punish the customers because your own system is trash. Make the ram install more user friendly.


0pimo t1_j9116m3 wrote

Then the device becomes thicker, heavier and slower.

Why do I get a shittier device because you mouth breathers can't stop breaking your phones? I've had iPhones since they first came out, I have yet to have to take one to a repair shop and I only upgrade every 2-3 model releases.


Odinnn21 t1_j9144p3 wrote

Hochul is a shill. She filled her democratic pockets with kickbacks from these enterprises.


wonderfulworld99 t1_j919ves wrote

With current technology why do we need politicians that can be bough to make these kinds of decisions? There should already be some form of implementation that allows everyone to vote and decide if we want Apple to ditch a perfectly working MacBook that just needs a $3 component to be changed and force you to buy a new one, or if we want to pay the $50 repair fee and keep going.


nicuramar t1_j91iosk wrote

Although, recent Apple products don’t actually use SSDs, for instance. They use raw flash storage. They also use LPDDR ram which has to be soldered or otherwise packaged to work.


garlicroastedpotato t1_j91t5u0 wrote

A lot of things, yeah. The problem is broadly that their manufacturing is already so expensive that it doesn't make sense to sell it without all the other parts. Like my moonroof blew out and it needed the glass, and the rails replaced. Hypothetically I could get a used part to replace those five things (four rails one glass). But no such used part existed. Instead I had to purchase the entire roof assembly and replace the entire roof. It turns out that moonroof glass is a loss leader for SUV makers.