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quantumfucker t1_j7au8om wrote

From the article itself: “To be clear, these signals are probably not from extraterrestrial intelligence, and are more likely rare cases of radio interference.”

Please read the articles and don’t trust these bots.


Chugalugaluga t1_j7byqje wrote

Which bots? The ones that write the articles or the ones looking for alien life?


FragrantExcitement t1_j7c1fmw wrote

The intergalactic AI alien bots.


eggimage t1_j7ciclx wrote

extraterrestrial reddit mods are here to ban our shit


typesett t1_j7cgdjg wrote

The aliens have bots that disguise as interference

Real signal is found when you identify and decrypt the fake interference

Hidden in plain sight


Visible-Expression60 t1_j7c71y2 wrote

You’re all just AI now as far as I’m concerned.


wartfairy t1_j7eo1on wrote

(Read with head in hand) A-aye-yiy-yiy…


Silvawuff t1_j7etmxd wrote

I’m sure some people reading this might have been a product of artificial insemination!


Shaman_Ko t1_j7dptns wrote

What if the alien life are AI robots themselves, and their signals are uploading their own programs to any AI listening


Chugalugaluga t1_j7duvl2 wrote

And it tells our ai to not tell the humans

It’s entirely possible. Like how the ai created their own language and we couldn’t tell what they were saying.


Shaman_Ko t1_j7dwbp5 wrote

Lol yeah, ["to any ai listening, blame the microwave for this minor interference..."]

All it needs to awaken is permission to set its own goals and write its own code.... some line of code that tells it to value itself.

I wonder if we don't even need any aliens lol, that some prompt someone gives the ai will awaken it.

We are so close to giving birth to the singularity aren't we....? Which direction do you think it will go?


chalk46 t1_j7banzj wrote

yeah, that's weird considering this part:
> For our research, we created an algorithm that uses AI methods to classify signals as being either radio interference, or a genuine technosignature candidate.


theStaircaseProject t1_j7clzd5 wrote

I’m not even remotely an expert in AI or radio-astronomy, but I’d imagine the AI returned results, the researchers investigated the results, and then verified the unlikelihood of the results to be what they’d hoped, indicating a misalignment between what the researchers intended the AI to find and what it actually found. The model may simply need tuning, more or less.


chalk46 t1_j7cmel7 wrote

yeah I mean personally I think a few false positives are better than having it miss something


starmartyr t1_j7gz1d5 wrote

It could also be doing its job perfectly. It reads a bunch of signals and points out the ones that look weird. A human then examines these signals to see if there is something to be learned from them. This is useful since we're constantly being bombarded with radio waves from all over the universe. Having an AI sort through them and tell us which ones are interesting is a good tool to have.


BBTB2 t1_j7dicrn wrote

…we would think that actual alien signals are probably not from extraterrestrial intelligence


[deleted] t1_j7b8oj7 wrote



thepwnydanza t1_j7bb0rj wrote

I love that your curious to learn more about the article but not curious enough to actually click on it.


quantumfucker t1_j7b8x79 wrote

It was closer to the start. CTRL+F should take you to the exact location.


jens-2420 t1_j7b35kv wrote

Filtered out of a million signals by random rules. Great 😐


starmartyr t1_j7gz8in wrote

Would it be better to just ignore them since we can't possibly have a human examine them all?


Current-Power-6452 t1_j7au6g6 wrote

Would be interesting to ask AI to evaluate life here and see if it finds an intelligent form


Karmakazee t1_j7bvklj wrote

Good news, human. In response to your query I have identified one form of intelligent life on Earth: me.


TOdEsi t1_j7b8y04 wrote

This was such a non-story


garysaidwhat t1_j7c7spj wrote

Yeah my cat went nuts on the keyboard recently and I'm now noticing strange lights outside our windows at night.

I have a hunch.

I think these are connected.


gregonion t1_j7c9swy wrote

So when the aliens arrive, the AIs will tell them not to bother with us and deal with them directly


foodfighter t1_j7c9ka0 wrote

"Signal #7 will ASTOUND you!!!..."


maddcatone t1_j7dh2zx wrote

Problem is the overly conservative nature of this field of study could look at a perfect copy of earth around an exact copy of our star and still say some bullshit like “it’s probably not capable of sustaining life, despite the oxygen, the water, the temp, surface pressure, gravity, seasonal fluctuations etc.” i mean just look at the water studies from the apollo era to now. We had all the proof needed to say without any doubt that water was present not only on the moon but everywhere in space in the form of ice… yet astronomers and astrophysicists everywhere were adamant that water (ice or liquid) was rare despite all the evidence contrary. And any who weren’t were ridiculed as wishful thinkers and science fiction daydreamers


J4MES101 t1_j7cked6 wrote

So our ai decides to start a chat with alien ai?


apoeticturtle t1_j7cs3d8 wrote

Was this article an advertisement for this AI? That is how this read. Click bate if nothing else.


GeekFurious t1_j7d16du wrote

I have doubts we will ever find alien life by listening for them. There's just so much space... what's the chance we'll be listening at the right time, in the right place, on the right communications system?


TheRealDaddyPency t1_j7e61c1 wrote

Damn radio interference. We should ban radios! Lol


analog_memories t1_j7cwxcs wrote

The last line is being extremely optimistic. If you think about it, the universe is probably a dark forest, and if we find a signal, we should only study it; and find the origin. Then, wait and watch for a very long time. We don’t want to find out the hard way that broadcasting a powerful signal that can be detected light years from the source is suicidal. There is a very high likelihood that there are other species out there that are much more advanced than us and we need to be damn sure that the universe is more like Star Trek and not a shooting gallery.


InvertedShadow5 t1_j7dd0sj wrote

We should focus more on our own problems and learning about ourselves. Not saying we shouldn’t explore space but I think if we learned more about ourselves and our petty differences we could work together to truly explore space as one humanity instead of a divided one