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SujetoSujetado t1_j9w8ncw wrote

I am a malware developer, this is not true as a general rule, malware code outputted by these language models have been subpar even for script kiddies standards (most code doesn't even work or don't do what it needs to do). Demonstration:


deltagear t1_j9wrz7t wrote

The key with chatgpt isn't asking for the whole cake, it's asking for the ingredients.


SujetoSujetado t1_j9x03eb wrote

In the video it is tasked with very specific tasks, not whole cakes, injection is just a portion of what a malware does


HanaBothWays t1_j9w97n0 wrote

Okay. People on forums frequented by script kiddie types have been saying they can get good stuff out of ChatGPT, but of course script kiddies would not know the difference.

The people who write the tools used by script kiddies or those “ransomware as a service” type kits are a different story…


Hydronum t1_j9yb3hk wrote

Well yeah, Chat GTP starts strong, makes stuff up and then dresses it up pretty like.


Kache t1_j9xq1c9 wrote

But it's got big potential in systemizing social engineering attacks.