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TminusTech t1_j9sbf45 wrote

To summarize: objects this old (500-700) million years after the Big Bang, should not have been able to form into such massive galaxies. Once verified it will make us completely rethink the formation of the early universe and what laws of physics were at play.

Interesting aspect of it’s discovery. The Webb telescope can see extremely ancient and distant objects thanks to it infrared imaging.


TminusTech t1_j9u0xuy wrote

Of course. Its an extremely exciting time in astronomy. The Webb is enabling us to see and learn things that simply were never possible before. It’s heartwarming it’s deployment was such a success.

The coming years we will see just how quickly or theories can change with new data on existing bodies and discovery of completely unseen stellar phenomena and objects.

Observing the processes are just as interesting as the end result.