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xal1124 t1_j85n8p9 wrote


MPenguinGaming t1_j85ohhw wrote

No it isn't


xal1124 t1_j85ombh wrote

The Texas Legislature meets in Regular Session for about five months every other year. Regular Sessions begin at noon on the second Tuesday in January of odd numbered years and can last no more than 140 days, ending during the last week of May or the first week of June.

That’s from your source


MPenguinGaming t1_j85posh wrote

The Texas Legislature meets in Regular Session for 140 days every other year. Regular Session begins at noon on the Second Tuesday in January of even numbered years.


That's direct copypaste


RepeatOffender21 t1_j8nipwk wrote

It's literally not a direct copy-paste. LOL

>The Texas House of Representatives is composed of 150 members, each elected for a two-year term. The Texas Legislature meets in Regular Session for about five months every other year. Regular Sessions begin at noon on the second Tuesday in January of odd numbered years and can last no more than 140 days, ending during the last week of May or the first week of June. Special Sessions may be called by the Governor and can last up to 30 days.


MPenguinGaming t1_j8nvuh2 wrote

Yours isn’t 🤡🤡🤡


RepeatOffender21 t1_j8nwngt wrote

LOL Mine is word for word from the page. Good try though.


MPenguinGaming t1_j8oagvz wrote

Lol mine is literally word for word. Good try though


RepeatOffender21 t1_j8of4sx wrote

Ahh yes trolling away are we? The page says odd, not even.


MPenguinGaming t1_j8ogk3v wrote

You’re the one who’s made a second account and dug back a few days worth of posts to fail again


RepeatOffender21 t1_j8oh2jh wrote

Nope same account buddy. And I’m still correct. odd years. You actually think I’m that other guy? LOL


MPenguinGaming t1_j8oku24 wrote

This convo started before the account repeatoffender21 was made by 1 day


RepeatOffender21 t1_j8olw1d wrote

Well as it turns out that's not the big gotcha you think it is. The thread is older than this account. Big deal. Offended little folks love to report accounts and get them suspended because they think it's funny.

Doesn't change the fact that you are standing on some crazy hill about odd vs even years, changing the text to match your game. But I guess that's what you were playing with the other guy. Not my problem. I saw the comment, it's patently incorrect, so I stated so and showed the evidence. Your beef with the other commenter, fine, go talk to them.

Still wrong about the facts. LOL


MPenguinGaming t1_j8on0h6 wrote

So you admit to using multiple accounts 🤣


RepeatOffender21 t1_j8or31o wrote

Admit to having to create another one? Sure.

Again you don’t have the gotcha moment you think you do. 😂

And you’re still factually wrong, and I’m still not the other commenter. 🤣


MPenguinGaming t1_j8orr3s wrote

Facts show I’m correct. You gonna come back with a new account in a few days?


RepeatOffender21 t1_j8ot9g7 wrote

Ahh see but the facts do not.

I can go to the Texas legislature link you posted and it backs up it’s odd years.


MPenguinGaming t1_j8ou8cd wrote

But yet it doesn’t


RepeatOffender21 t1_j8oyq8p wrote

LOL I’ll give you credit for the troll. The text I posted awhile ago comes from the “about us” page. Answers it.

But hey, you keep sticking to being wrong.


MPenguinGaming t1_j8oyxso wrote

You fail at life and trolling


RepeatOffender21 t1_j8oza4o wrote

LOL weak effort on your part.


MPenguinGaming t1_j8ozxkb wrote

Yes you are


RepeatOffender21 t1_j8p4ahe wrote

Ahh makes sense you’re what, 12? Seems right.

No originality. Still wrong. LOL


MPenguinGaming t1_j8p4qxa wrote

You keep admitting to me being correct


RepeatOffender21 t1_j8pabwl wrote

You do wish that were true. Oops you’re still wrong.


MPenguinGaming t1_j8paop9 wrote

Keep crying


RepeatOffender21 t1_j8payp5 wrote

You’re doing enough of that for both of us. I’ll pass.

Oh wait I bet you think you’re an “alpha” too….hilarious.

You sling what you think are insults and righteous clever burns but you’re the guy who posted to AskReddit and then deleted it… “Why are people on Reddit so hurtful”.


Run along now.