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WarmanHopple t1_j8sugd8 wrote

They made the union announcement yesterday. They were fired today. Hmm 🤔


CandyFromABaby91 t1_j8sxm0w wrote

Unfortunately, the manual labeling team is slowly shrinking anyway in favor of auto labeling. This will give them less leverage as Tesla needs them less and less.


I_ONLY_PLAY_4C_LOAM t1_j8u27up wrote

It's illegal in the United States to fire someone for union organizing. It's called retaliation and it's a serious violation of labor laws.


CandyFromABaby91 t1_j8u4k36 wrote

I agree. It’s proving it that’s not easy, especially if a team is becoming less needed and shrinking anyway.


Ok_Cook_6665 t1_j8uiq2n wrote

Starbucks tried the same thing in the same town. It didn't work then and it won't work now.


I_ONLY_PLAY_4C_LOAM t1_j8ulkos wrote

They fired them the day after lol


CandyFromABaby91 t1_j8uo5fy wrote

The timing is evidence, but not proof on its own in front of a judge. We know Tesla was already shrinking this team(look at last layoffs). Tesla claims the next round of layoffs was happening and these employees decided to call for a union right before the layoffs to stop the layoffs. Don’t fall for clickbait news headlines. Tesla could be full of bs too. But always two sides. See their response below.


CandyFromABaby91 t1_j8uond0 wrote

You could say union employees keep getting fired for low performance. You could also say it’s only low Performance employees that keep using the union card to keep their jobs.


dontPoopWUrMouth t1_j8vhk7y wrote

There will be unions in Tesla. There are other teams organizing that haven't spoken out yet and their teams are extremely important. ;) So yeah, Tesla's non union days are numbered.


CandyFromABaby91 t1_j8yrggn wrote

Great. If they are quite, then they are serious.

Unlike this group that’s using it as a card.