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-SkarchieBonkers- t1_j8vrjy1 wrote

His mouth-breather lapdog fanboys read this and just think hustle harder and I too will be rich like silver spoon daddy


TapesIt t1_j8vs81c wrote

Geez, if this is what the LLM in your brain generates in response to the title, you should take a break from the internet. Disconcerting.


-SkarchieBonkers- t1_j8w3wr6 wrote

Hustle that hustle life, bro


TapesIt t1_j8w5c9u wrote

I play and make games all day, don’t “hustle”, have never owned Tesla shares, and was sad to hear about Elon buying Twitter. I don’t think I’m part of whatever demographic you are so vehemently against.


mrGeaRbOx t1_j8wobpq wrote

Then why are you so invested in responding?


TapesIt t1_j8wsg6f wrote

To be clear, my comment wasn't a pro Elon comment at all, I was just pointing out that you sounded like an unhinged chronically online redditor, and that it would probably be good for your mental health to move to a cabin in the woods for a few months. Enjoy the sun and fishing. I don't have a dog in this reddit-vs-the-rich fight one way or another.

As for my investment in replying, it's fun I guess? What else is there to do when you're not hustling all day?


mrGeaRbOx t1_j8wsx01 wrote

I conduct environmental research for a living. I spend all day in the woods. I think I actually need more time indoors. Your assessment is grossly inaccurate and frankly a tired trope at this point.


TapesIt t1_j8wu38n wrote

Respect. And now you sound like a normal person again. Nevertheless, I imagine you didn't learn to talk about mouth-breathing lapdogs and hustling and silver spoon daddies from the squirrels.