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BarrySix t1_j8wi12f wrote

This is exactly how US politics looks from outside the US. You have a right wing party acting in the interests of the rich and a more right wing party acting in the interests of the rich and being a bit more militant about it. The far right party are always screaming at the right-wing party for being left-wing extremists.

Plus the whole "woke" thing which serves as little more than a distraction from the fact that the entire political system is biased towards the new lords and masters.


regalrecaller t1_j8x0phj wrote

What people don't understand is that this is simply the neoliberal economic theory as adopted by both major political parties.


HoneydewInMyAss t1_j8xd4jr wrote

This is exactly why Noam Chomsky spent his entire career attacking "liberal" parties in the US and Europe.

Conservative parties are allowed to entertain the entire spectrum of the right from moderate to far right ethnonationalists

While the liberal parties act as a limit for how left you can venture.