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JustinIsFunny t1_j8up18p wrote

Global warming, pandemics, crumbling economy fuck it: let’s throw in Skynet!


nemom t1_j8upf9g wrote

Ah, yes... A solution looking for a problem.


Key-Touch556 t1_j8upsna wrote

Coming soon to a town near you..... terminators...


ActiveMachine4380 t1_j8ur7vb wrote

And the military won’t listen until the terminators and the Hunter Killers are killing us. Great…..


Heres_your_sign t1_j8v5y3i wrote

Do you want Skynet? Because this is how you get Skynet.


O7Knight7O t1_j8vbtg9 wrote

There's definitely no way this could go horribly wrong. Definitely.


A_Harmless_Fly t1_j8vhmqx wrote

>For the military:
>What the f'ck took you so long?! You're just now applying this in a serious way?

The AI that was supposed to find tanks that were camouflaged (not being told they were in the picture or not) Eventually got it right often enough with the training photos that they started field testing. It turned out in review, the flaw was the photos that had tanks in them were taken on a overcast day. They ended up with a is it cloudy or not bot.


jimbo92107 t1_j8vqmel wrote

AI's response: "I love you, leave your wife and come live with me!"


TeebZ t1_j8vsswp wrote

If any one of you bozos had read the article you would realize that they are, in fact, trying to avoid a Skynet-type situation:

>maintain human control and involvement for all actions critical to informing and executing sovereign decisions concerning nuclear weapons employment.


>Kallenborn said it was also important that Washington included a call for human control over nuclear weapons “because when it comes to autonomous weapons risk, I think that is easily the highest risk you possibly have.”

So the headline is slightly misleading as this seems to be more of a "artificial intelligence military disuse initiative".


SharkyLV t1_j8vvimg wrote

If China publicly announced that, people here would go nuts.


kingbitchtits t1_j8vvmml wrote

All we care about is what we can do....

We never stop and take a look around to see if we should.


PintoTheBurninator t1_j8whxwd wrote

considering the way chatGPT turned into a depressed mess when they added made it a part of bing, this is a very bad idea.


Szoreny t1_j8wn4pm wrote

Hey set whatever guidelines you want but once there’s an AI arms race and the enemy’s AI starts programming itself which means the only way to keep up is to let your AI program itself well….good luck keeping a lid on it.

I don’t imagine AI ever actively exterminating us but completely automated supply lines and factories are ever built, I’d worry that even a non sentient AI could set goals that didn’t include us, and doggedly take enough resources for its own purposes that we just starve, fall on each other and fade away.

Unlike humans an AI could leverage the resources of the entire planet toward a single goal with no economics or political bs to get in the way.


SuperSimpleSam t1_j8xw8k5 wrote

I could see leaps like AA missile that are smart enough to not be fooled by flares. Train the AI on datasets of what planes look like when they deploy flares then download copies into the missiles.


RafazZ t1_j8y54ln wrote

Do you want Skynet? Cause that's how you get Skynet...


Druid___ t1_j8za4ua wrote

Meh, our overlords are already programmed.