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basshead17 t1_j9pd9h0 wrote

The majority of Americans I have talked to about it don't give a fuck about privacy as long as they can get on Facebook or TikTok for free..


makethemaccount-able t1_j9q8umn wrote

Fucking addict zombies with no capacity for rational thinking.

Just perfect for gov and corporations's profit :(


BonziBuddyMustDie t1_j9s88bv wrote

  1. We are all to some degree lazy and pacified. We fear what would happen if we didn't have access to our everyday conveniences.
  2. We are too pessimistic and jaded to the world around us. We cannot see how solidarity could work when everyone around us is so selfish.

AllModsAreL0sers t1_j9sukg4 wrote

This includes people who are aware and open about it (like you) and the people who complain about it (like the person you replied to)


baddfingerz1968 t1_j9pga8s wrote

Not sure if you understand the scope of what government surveillance like illegal wiretapping and data mining entails. You don't have to be a criminal for it to erode everyone's civil rights or ruin people's lives, maybe even your own.


basshead17 t1_j9phoe4 wrote

I agree with you wholeheartedly. I'm just saying most people don't care.


baddfingerz1968 t1_j9pk4nd wrote

I am one of them too, really, just for myself. But in this insane Age of Trump I have gotten a lot more conscious and everyday am looking at the big picture to see what I can contribute, what I can do to fight the future.

In reality, it is little, but even just being a social justice warrior is something. I think just always staying conscious and aware, and maintaining the right attitude and state of mind is paramount.

And simply connecting with others like right now.