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HogsInSpace t1_j9ahljy wrote

Life works and that is a good thing. All plants and animals live by working through their lives. Work is not optional. Earth, as far as we know, is the only planet where life works. We all have a job to do, to earn a living. The economy is the business of earning a living. All life transacts with other life to earn a living. We humans use money to facilitate, negotiate and establish the trade value of commodities which are things that are desirable and relatively scarce. If you have no money we employ ourselves to others to earn it. To earn money is to serve people. This fundamental component to monetary systems helped our communities reduce the risk of periods of cyclical scarcity and to seek an abundance of desirable goods. There is not a financial mechanism that allow the abundance to be realized and fairly distributed. The fact that our numbers have grown to 8billion people is the undeniable fact that we as a species has overcome our scarcity problems, yet not the distribution problems. With AI, automation and sustainable quality built goods there is no reason for all of us to employ ourselves to each other. But the inherited instinct to do so is strong with us. The future requires our monetary economic system to adapt and adopt some new monetary mechanism that can allow more people to live comfortable frugal lives, working for themselves rather than needing to be employed to others. But how to without causing a collapse of the monetary economic logic as we know it?
