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DevAnalyzeOperate t1_j92bzxs wrote

Her job was nonsense, her job was algorithm biaser, she biased algorithms so they wouldn’t hit non-majorities, musk came in and stripped the “toxic speech identification” and removed bias against all groups entirely. I don’t care if you claim to be benefiting white hetero Christian’s or trans black folx, by putting your finger on the scale of algorithms, you’re picking favourites.

She was paid to perpetuate something fundamentally unethical, good riddance, how lame do you have to be for Elon Musk of all people to be more ethical than you?

Those who want to regulate social media into mandatory discrimination are fucking evil by the way and if anything is this about as good as an argument for self-regulation as you are going to get.


tiktaktok_65 t1_j956lfp wrote

again someone making a general statement without knowing shit. the world is more complicated than your gut sense or your anecdotal experience.


DevAnalyzeOperate t1_j97b089 wrote

Lol complicated? Elon removed the censorship, and thus he removed the discrimination. This woman was part of the system to justify the perpetuation of discrimination and censorship. Not all that complicated. The complications you refer to are a bunch of bullshit.

If I'm going to do apologetics, Elon threw tens of billions of dollars down to end this discrimination which may have best gone towards better causes, and she didn't really have any opportunity to end discrimination like Elon could due to his stacks of cash, so one can see her as doing the best she could have done given the opportunity she had. But for her to act like what she was doing was somehow morally better than what's happening now mostly reflects the fact she's morally disgusting as are her pro-discrimination pro-censorship supporters.
