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mikasjoman t1_j8nutut wrote

Yeah to be honest we don't even know if they'll be lithium. Lots of companies and researchers exploring new chemistries. I mean look how fast the cheaper and aafer lithium iron phosphate batteries took hold of the EV batteries, feels like yesterday they entered the market.


Wizywig t1_j8nwtnp wrote

Indeed. Its why I'm not sweating it honestly. I used to sweat it thinking "omg if I buy an ICE what will happen". Cars depreciate in value already. In 10 years when my new car will be 10 years old... It'll still be before the 2035 timeline. I might lose 5k on the total value of the car when selling, maybe, but that's why holding a car for 10 years makes it more or less useful. Who knows, maybe by then Waymo will make me having to have my own car irrelevant.

So who knows. Make purchasing decisions that make sense for the next 5-7 years, as for the way future, who knows.