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Rogueish1 t1_j8npiaj wrote

Lobbying should also be illegal. Nothing more than bribery, which is illegal as is


Similar_Value1060 t1_j8nq9ec wrote

Lobbying is the reason why places like AZ have water leases with middle eastern countries. They get “donations” then they allow foreign countries to grow water intensive crops that screw over the people who actually live there. This is just one example that has nothing to do with the article, but im sure everyone agrees that lobbying is destroying the country. Encourages our leaders to offer up our resources, automotive companies to monopolize maintaining your vehicles, and the military industrial complex to mobilize. Yucky! Follow the money!


tuscanspeed t1_j8oji10 wrote

>but im sure everyone agrees that lobbying is destroying the country.

Nope. Both positive and negative outcomes occur due to the lobbying.

You have a scapegoat here. Nothing more.


Similar_Value1060 t1_j8pcak6 wrote

Money in politics is why your vote no longer matters dipshit. Even a wrong clock is right twice a day.


tuscanspeed t1_j8rz4ia wrote

/spends millions lobbying to protect national forests
/votes to protect national forests
/protection passes

I don't see it.


barbarianbob t1_j8p9tfc wrote

My wife used to work for a non-profit organization that helped adults with developmental disabilities navigate life. The nonprofit was always underfunded.

They had a lobbyist (who represented a bunch of other similar nonprofits) who would go to the capitol and lobby on their behalf.

Not all lobbyists are bad.

It's more the "use PACs to circumvent political donation cap" that really fucked everything up.


AnacharsisIV t1_j8pfsae wrote

There is nothing wrong with lobbying. Writing to your congresscritter to say "tell the cops to stop shooting unarmed black teenagers", congratulations, makes you a lobbyist. There's literally no way to stop lobbying without also trampling on the first amendment.


SnooTomatoes1445 t1_j8sl14f wrote

In Iowa, a lobbyist can’t buy a beer for the person they’re trying to lobby. In Washington they can send them around the world at the company’s expense. That’s what’s broken.


Frosty-Raspberry9920 t1_j8on8h3 wrote

Uhm, no. Lobbying is literally just telling an elected official what you want them to do. Not sure how a democracy could function without it.


Rogueish1 t1_j8rh2bf wrote

Actually, lobbyists pay government officials to advocate what they want. Think you need to go back to 9th grade global studies there guy