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Mr_Otingocni t1_j97nlbt wrote

What you said sounds like you are probably right, but, bro, I don't understand half of those references, ha ha. I played D2 with expansion packs on solo, no mods, for years. No guides or anything. I was really too old to be spending all day playing video games back then, when you actually had time to see if some weird ass combo was going to work out or you'd be halfway through the game before realizing you screwed the pooch and should start over or expect a lifetime dependence on potions. So now I'm way out of the loop and so old I fart dust.

I hear what you're saying, and in general I like the ability to reset skill trees in most games, I just liked that with Diablo you really got a run for your money with builds because it took getting your ass kicked but unwilling to restart to find a creative way to make some wonky crap actually work.