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[deleted] t1_j9o0h71 wrote


stealthmodeactive t1_j9o2is3 wrote

Whoa settle down.

I said probably nobody will read it but you can. Not sure what's ignorant about that. There's so much junk on any app store you make it sound like people are just reading all the source code of everything all day. A perfect example is OpenSSL. And heart bleed

My second paragraph shows you don't know what you're talking about. Most people are going to jam that "allow while using app" permission. So sketch web browser app could just be listening 24/7, or only when it needs. Maybe microphone isn't the best example since most phones have an indicator these days. But it will apply across other types of permissions. Once you allow Snapchat to read your contacts so you can "find who else is using snapchat", you think it stops there? Or are they always scanning your contacts without you knowing, just silently monitoring for updates?

You're lashing out at both a user and an advocate for FOSS. But to not admit its potential weaknesses is ignorant.