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ArcherBoy27 t1_j9xpt95 wrote

Yup, indeed.

From 00:20 on encryption. It would be funny if it weren't so dystopian.


megahamstertron t1_j9xzzpq wrote

As soon as she said it was to protect the children™, it was obvious it was BS.


ArcherBoy27 t1_j9y1lvz wrote

My favorite part is the end of that segment.

Basically says "we will read your messages but only to protect children, only for that purpose". Like that is any better and offers no guarantees that it wont be misused.


HRKing505 t1_j9y306c wrote

> "[...]we want you to invest in technology to get around this [encryption] problem, just for child abuse and sexual exploitation not for anything else"

uh huh....

She then goes on to say "we're not ending encryption in any way". So to phrase it all in another way: "we're not taking away the locks on your doors, all the doors will just use the same key."


ArcherBoy27 t1_j9y3lmt wrote

Pretty much, "we are not banning locks, of course not. But we will be requiring there to be a cutout in the frame so we can push the door open and walk in to check your kids. We will only walk in to check on your kids, promise"


NoPriorThreat t1_ja0ffen wrote

not really, it is more like having a camera watching your front door and checking who is entering.


spektre t1_ja2lfyq wrote

Yeah, if the camera automatically unlocks the door.