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1wiseguy t1_ja1uvc9 wrote

The UK government is a vague organization.

Do you know who that is? Can you trust them with your information? Would you send them a copy of every message that you send anybody?

No, no, and no.


Sharknado4President t1_ja1ymcy wrote

Didn't say it was a good idea. Was simply refuting the parent post which said that encryption means nobody can read it.


1wiseguy t1_ja3aft4 wrote

There are 3 ways an adversary can read your encrypted message:

  1. Somebody gave them the key, either deliberately or by mistake.

  2. The algorithm is faulty or weak.

  3. The adversary has the resources to do a brute-force attack. That relates somewhat to #2.

All of these can be avoided, if you do it right. Sometimes people don't do it right.