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HungryLikeTheWolf99 t1_ja1vpkl wrote

And so it begins.

Something/nothing creates the universe: eternity

Universe creates life: 9 billion years

Life creates intelligence: 4 billion years

Intelligence creates artificial intelligence: 100,000 years

Artificial intelligence creates life: 2 years


Vladius28 t1_ja1w9o6 wrote

Scary when you put it like that.


dungone t1_ja3mhnj wrote

Also dumb and untrue on many many levels.


iambluest t1_ja20776 wrote

Life is just life. It is what we do with this where it becomes a problem. Maybe, though, AI can solve the problems of human nature.


wedloxk t1_ja22vus wrote

Yhink we are human nature's problem


pancakeQueue t1_ja3oqzc wrote

When you solve human nature the result would no longer be human.


iambluest t1_ja4y75p wrote

Solving doesn't always mean eliminating something.


dubiousadvocate t1_ja3wxai wrote

Singularity leads to the first near infinite simulation, resulting in a nested Big Bang. And so the cosmic cycle continues.


xiodeman t1_ja20jk3 wrote

Artificial life creates new universe: 2 months?


Few-Nose8818 t1_ja1v7re wrote

  1. cure cancer
  2. make zombies
  3. can breath in outer space
  4. regeneration and un-aging body after mature

throws_ra t1_ja253ky wrote

> 2. make zombies

a new fear unlocked : zombie apocalypse


canadianleroy t1_ja41k27 wrote

I just want to be able to breathe underwater and live in places like the world in Avatar II.

That’s all. Not greedy.


Corn-Shonery t1_ja6ynhy wrote

Pretty sure number 4 is the one that inadvertently makes number 2.


beepo7654 t1_ja2ay8x wrote

Nothing scary about a misfolded protein….wait…..


TheGreat_War_Machine t1_ja3634z wrote

Prions aren't just misfolded proteins, they are a misfold of a specific protein found in the brain. That being said, it could be argued that any disease involving a mutant protein inherently means that it is misfolded, because changing just one amino acid on a chain can affect how that protein folds, thus changing its shape. Shape determines function in nature. We don't have an explanation for why prions specifically are pathogenic while other misfolded proteins are not.

Edit: Amino, not nucleic


stormdelta t1_ja4d70a wrote

Isn't it because prions cause other proteins to misfold as well? Or are you saying that process itself isn't well-understood?


TheGreat_War_Machine t1_ja534fg wrote

The latter. Yes, prions get their pathologic properties by being able to misfold other proteins, but we don't know how that process works nor why it doesn't happen in other cases where proteins become mutated.


SnipingNinja t1_ja7p300 wrote

Might be related to the folding problem itself?


TheGreat_War_Machine t1_ja7y2oe wrote

Well, let's look at it this way:

There are several types of amino acids that join together into long chains to form proteins. These amino acids are either hydrophilic or hydrophobic. This hydrophilicity is what gives proteins their shape. Because the body is mostly made of water, the chains will arrange themselves in such a way that the hydrophilic aminos will be as close to the water molecules as possible while the hydrophobic aminos will do the opposite. Additionally, during tertiary folding, separate chains of proteins come together via hydrogen bonds (ref. high school chemistry).

For prions to be able to misfold other proteins, it would need to overcome these chemical properties to replace one or several of these amino acids to cause a change in how the other protein folds.


SnipingNinja t1_ja838mf wrote

That's what I meant, that something about prion folds is specific in a way that it coming in contact with the other proteins causes them to fold it in the same way.

I'm unfortunately not able to explain what I'm thinking of well enough.


dvs_xerxes t1_ja2ixwx wrote

In later news, the Ai keeps designing Prions.


Pazoll t1_ja28bx9 wrote

What does this mean for medicine or food production?


dungone t1_ja3p4db wrote

Nothing much. People were already doing this for 50 years. Using computers and using machine learning, too. Generating millions of random protein formulas is the easy part. The hard part is manufacturing them and testing them because that's still like looking for a needle in a haystack. But by improving the machine learning approach, it gave the researchers a smaller haystack.


reconrose t1_ja3sm32 wrote

Yeah the other comments here talking about how this is revolutionary / terrifying make me roll my eyes because they act like we haven't been doing similar research for a long time. These tools just might make the process more efficient.

It's very exciting seeing ML put to tasks that open up new possibilities vs making current tasks simpler.


MysteryInc152 t1_ja3udcd wrote

It's novel because this is Large Language Model and not a NN designed to formulate proteins. The fact that it can is extremely interesting and telling. You can't exactly talk to AlphaFold.


dokushin t1_ja5qazz wrote

Hah; no. What we've been doing is a form of incremental improvement, taking existing proteins and modeling a single fold in an attempt to evolve a new one, gradually forcing the protein towards some desired property. We've been largely unable to design proteins from the ground up and have them actually work.

This thing just up and spat out thousands of functional proteins from scratch, which is unheard of. There are proteins solving the same problem with completely different structures. Just one of those novel, functioning proteins is the end goal of everything we've been trying to do for decades. This is pretty incredible.


ALBUNDY59 t1_ja2usmj wrote

We can rebuild you. Make you better than before.


Koujinkamu t1_ja2kkfn wrote

Original protein, do not steal


Warkitz t1_ja2tkow wrote

So we're just gonna go full unregulated use of AI?

This is gonna get spooky.


NearingShadow t1_ja3po5j wrote

I want teleporters. Can someone get AI on that?


dubiousadvocate t1_ja3wgr1 wrote

Replicators would do more for the human condition.


SnipingNinja t1_ja7p8jc wrote

If some theories are to be believed teleporters are basically replicators


mizmoxiev t1_ja34okc wrote

Yes I'll take new proteins please, I'd like to have functional retractable wings some day lol