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Hyperion1144 t1_j9kfsy6 wrote

Airtags aren't pet trackers.

Buy a Fi collar. We have one. Pet trackers are a totally different product category.

This is like a complaining because the off-road capabilities for your Toyota Camry are sub-par. It's like complaining about the 0-60 or cornering performance of your trail-rated jeep.

Protip: Using products for things they aren't meant for can yield poor results.


barkerja t1_j9ki68j wrote

I had a Fi collar. I replaced it with an AirTag because I found the AirTag to be better in almost all cases.

Battery lasts for better part of a year. There’s no subscription fee. Range is better (this surprised me; my dog goes to a daycare where the fi collar had no cell coverage, but with the AirTag, I see his location reported there on a regular interval)

There are now also a number of “Find My” enabled collars which are basically the exact same thing as an AirTag. The only thing you don’t get is the precision finding when you’re nearby (which to be honest, is pointless for pets).


The_Starmaker t1_j9kmd7s wrote

Assuming the daycare has wi-fi that would explained the improved "coverage" from employees' phones being connected to it.


barkerja t1_j9kn1j7 wrote

Or more phones with multiple carriers and better reception.


tylerderped t1_j9kv5db wrote

> AirTags aren’t pet trackers

They’re literally perfect for pet tracking.

> buy a fi collar

They cost 5x as much, don’t use the Find My network, need to be charged monthly, and requires you to sign up for yet another app.

> this is like complaining that the off-road capabilities of your Toyota Camry are sub-par.

It’s actually more like complaining that the off-road capabilities of your Range Rover are sub-par. They certainly can do it, they’re more than capable, but that’s not really their purpose.


Hyperion1144 t1_j9kxmsd wrote

Yes... Better things cost more.

Standalone GPS + standalone cellular (AT&T) on the Fi collar is absolutely not in any way equal to an Airtag.


tylerderped t1_j9ky428 wrote

The fact that it works when nowhere near another iPhone isn’t useful to me and many other pet owners. It’s just yet another unnecessary subscription that has to be paid for.

That’s not better. That’s worse. It does everything an AirTag would do for me, while costing literally infinitely more. My dog doesn’t need a cell phone. It needs an AirTag.


wetclap t1_j9lc0s5 wrote

I live out in the country and have multiple people taking care of our pet, Fi has worked perfectly not only when someone is home, but telling me who is taking her out of the house and to where. So far Fi tracks my dog better than Apple does my keys.

Also just like buying an Apple Watch, Fi will track movement and sleep which is perfect for making sure our pup gets enough exercise.


taylrbrwr t1_j9knrdk wrote

Who cares? The damn thing tells you the location of something for $29. Tell me how spending $100+ on a Fi collar with some monthly data plan isn't overkill? Same shit, different design and price.


Hyperion1144 t1_j9kxc3g wrote

Standalone GPS + standalone cellular (AT&T) on the Fi collar is absolutely not in any way the "same shit" as an Airtag.

And "overkill?"


But the thing is... I like my pets.


taylrbrwr t1_j9kyuo1 wrote

If I have an indoor cat that sleeps 18 hours a day and has never gone outside, what difference will a Fi collar have, besides being bulkier and costing more money? The 1000% markup of paying for Fi's tech is not worth the 0.01% chance she slips outside.

It is overkill, too, because I'd now be using LTE instead of UWB to find her in the house.

Think of the statistics when people are presented with:

a) Track your pet in your house for $29
b) Track your pet anywhere for $200+ w/ subscription
c) Don't track your pet

If you have multiple pets, option B may be impossible for your budget! Option A is probably the use-case for 80% of pet owners (not that Fi doesn't have its use cases).

And no- I'd say those choosing option A also like their pets just as much as you do.


Hyperion1144 t1_j9l6f1t wrote

You mean different people have different needs? Wtf?

People who need things that are different from you are stupid, amiright?


Also, you don't even know what you are talking about.

Fi collars are free... You pay for the subscription. That's it. It's not $200 plus a subscription.

It's just a subscription.

Where did you even get those prices???

The opinions of the ignorant can always be safely disregarded.


taylrbrwr t1_j9l7ke3 wrote

Lmaoooo why are all of your comments so passive-aggressive? Stop taking this shit so personally; understand that making sly insults in your wording is winning nobody over and only highlights your insecurity. I don't need to attack anyone's character to have confidence in a discussion. I don't care if I am right or wrong here. I'm just pointing out an AirTag's use case that you previously wouldn't admit there was a justification for.