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Aqualung812 t1_j9ky4su wrote

You don’t seem to be getting what I’m saying.

Let’s say my daughter leaves suddenly and no longer wishes contact. She forgets to remove herself from my family. I’m still able to track her phone, watch, and laptop. What does the extra AirTag give me that I don’t already have in terms of tracking her without her permission?

In terms of notifying her, if she did as you said, she wouldn’t even be aware of the AirTag I had already placed on her because she silenced it long ago. It won’t even show up on her list.

However, if apple did as I’m suggesting, she would also be able to track the AirTag I placed on her, since she is still part of the family and has access to the AirTag instead of just notifications disabled. That seems like a better solution, no?


deege t1_j9l0nd8 wrote

She knows she has the other devices. She doesn’t know of the tag you slipped in.

I don’t believe the approval is permanent, but you’d have to check with Apple on that.


Aqualung812 t1_j9l0yhj wrote

So she remembers I can track her phone using family, but forgets to remove herself from the family or that AirTags exist?