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RamsesA t1_ja4ypor wrote

I had this happen to me multiple times and have learned how up successfully fix it. Clicking "do not show me this" doesn't work, because you've already engaged with the content at that point.

The correct way to fix this is to only engage with positive content (e.g. pictures of nature, expensive cars, cute animals, etc). Engagement includes not just clicking, but also gazing. If you stop scrolling to look at it, Instagram counts that as engaging, and you'll see more of it.

This makes sense if you understand that Instagram's goal is to monopolize your attention. The fact that you're having a miserable time is not part of the model. Could this be considered bad design? Probably, but here we are.


4077 t1_ja5qk0d wrote

Or just not use Instagram.


[deleted] t1_ja7gkoz wrote



smorfer t1_ja7ss4n wrote

Instagram is not a necessary good for life, if you want to actually have an impact as a customer in capitalism, not using a service, when you disagree with its actions, is one of the ways of using your power in a market. There is no reason luxury goods like that should be handled in any other way, while necessary goods should be regulated to a certain degree, so that the customer has secured access to them


MonsterHunter6353 t1_ja6ynhj wrote

Any idea how to prevent the feed suggesting videos in completely different languages? I don't know any other languages aside from English but Instagram shows me a ton of memes in other languages and I can't understand any of them


squirrelnuts46 t1_ja7xqet wrote

>The fact that you're having a miserable time is not part of the model

As long as you keep watching, they don't care. Capitalism is always about short-term gains, shoving long-term issues under the rug.


zUdio t1_ja82n2k wrote

It’s not bad design if it’s showing you what you want to see.