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CrazyJohn21 t1_je3etzy wrote

lol they can’t afford to maintain normal roads electric ones will never happen


Blastie2 t1_je3u9er wrote

It's actually a really good idea. I think the best way to electrify the roads would be via overhead cables that the cars could connect to. Then, to further optimize things, we could combine cars together into one really long car. We could call this thing a "bus", give it a planned route with a bunch of stops for people to get on/off, and move a whole bunch of people that way.

But since everything's moving in a predictable path, we may as well replace the wheels with rails. We could even go crazy sci-fi and build a series of underground tunnels to get them out of everyone's way and make things a lot faster and safer. Let me know what you think of such a system. I think we should call it the Hyperbus.


greypowerOz t1_je3uup0 wrote

truly the transport of the future.......


Blastie2 t1_je3w6i1 wrote

There is a good chance that I am the real-life Tony Stark


itsdefinitely2021 t1_je54fkg wrote

Save half the money - if you can do it with 2 rails, you can do it with a single rail. Both rails go to the same place anyway.


I think we'll call it: The OneRail.


InsertBluescreenHere t1_je3l1hr wrote

No shit. I have to swerve worse than a drunk person just to not blow a tire or bounce my vehicle sideways. Shame when our gravel roads are in better shape


GetOutOfTheWhey t1_je3waxr wrote

This is solar road ways all over again.

What's wrong with taking a rest every 2-3 hours at a rest station and charging for 15-30 minutes? You wont fully charge but you dont need to fully charge.


nobody_smith723 t1_je7mg67 wrote

adds multiple hours onto a trip ...round trip. longer the trip the more it adds on.

people are already crushed for time with regards to vacation. do you really want to be wasting hours of your life sitting at gas stations.


ShotBuilder6774 t1_je4vuvo wrote

There's not enough copper to make this possible.