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Warlizard t1_je6kwwt wrote

Good. Pretend it's your sister, daughter, mother and tell me it's OK.


autotldr t1_je6m1c0 wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 89%. (I'm a bot)

> A year after Reddit updated its policy on non-consensual intimate image sharing-a category that includes everything from revenge porn to voyeurism and accidental nip slips-the social media platform has announced that it has gotten much better at detecting and removing this kind of content.

> Despite banning revenge porn and other forms of NCII, Reddit came under fire in recent years for NCII found on its platform.

> A Reddit thread upvoted by more than 17,000 users suggests that some of Reddit's community members are keen to spread awareness that TakeItDown can help minors block revenge porn on other platforms.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Reddit^#1 report^#2 more^#3 remove^#4 platform^#5


iwatchppldie t1_je6q4ka wrote

It’s nice seeing Reddit in the news for something good for a change.


Banned501 t1_je6sgcf wrote

If I had a dollar for every time i have been permabanned from here...


effieokay t1_je6ubmd wrote

I've been on Reddit for a while and I'm glad to see these changes. There used to be some really questionable communities and concepts that appeared to be endorsed via the lack of action.


dimechimes t1_je6wthi wrote

That's funny because any time I've reported a nonconsensual intimate image being shared, they tell me I'm wrong.


Inappropriate_mind t1_je72ibr wrote

Lol. An ironic joke about an anti-vaxer on r/whitepeopletwitter will get you permabanned too, apparently. 🤔

Good to see some more deserving get permabanned too. 👍


The_NiNTARi t1_je75uxm wrote

100% this it’s exhausting how many people feel companies do things out of kindness. They are either seeking profit or found profit and want to add color to give the appearance of grace and kindness.

99% of Corporations do not think any other way. Giving a 1% variable so I don’t have people trying to correct me.


nobody_smith723 t1_je763by wrote

also. nothing stops anyone from making a new account.

now if reddit announced aggressively working with law enforcement to see anyone engaging in revenge porn or non-consensual image sharing... brought up on criminal charges. and here is some success stories.

that might be something.


garlicroastedpotato t1_je765ae wrote

And I mean, it's an announcement about the effects of a policy they released almost a year ago when they were intending to IPO earlier. There's a lot still wrong with Reddit that'll make for a terrible public social media company. Their moderators are such massive liabilities. The corporate and country regulated subreddits are like Chinese TikTok level nightmares. And then the fact that it still has porn subreddits that really only act as an advertisement for its posters onlyfans.... like.... they got a lot of work ahead of them.


crank1off t1_je772fr wrote

I've been here 7 or so years. Maybe little longer. The ones I saw dethroned we're spacedicks and creepshots. I'm assuming I'm just tame and don't know there other subs


Zid96 t1_je779fq wrote

Wait where is... I want to see


TexButtery t1_je7avyb wrote

I've never ran across any of this, mainly because I keep NSFW content disabled, and I never venture out past than the dozen or so subreddits I'm subscribed to, but damn...that's some horrible stuff.

Good on Reddit for doing something. Revenge porn needs to be taken more felony seriously.


firemogle t1_je7broh wrote

It's the same reason a company will take out ads to talk about how much they give to charity, when they could just spend the ad money on more charity. Caring sells but only if everyone knows how much you care.


thegenuinedarkfly t1_je7ezbx wrote

Thank you? I know women aren’t popular here if they announce themselves but Reddit is a creeper paradise and it’s not just underage boys and girls.

I’ll be surprised if any part of this has teeth.

Surprise me.


asdaaaaaaaa t1_je7ods6 wrote

Some people just really struggle to separate business from personal feelings, and understand the complex nature of having an investment board or large groups running things. While it's nice they did this, it should be obvious that many other changes will eventually follow that will be a net negative for the content and users unfortunately. Always is when this happens. It's good the subreddits are gone, but bad if overall users drop like a rock or leave in droves because of profitable changes.


LeadSky t1_je7qe5c wrote

Still good that they’re permabanning these shitheads, whether it’s from kindness or not. That’s not what matters.

What matters is they are cracking down on the vile shit


FJB_letsgobrandun t1_je7v3r6 wrote

Bans, permabans, crackdowns, blah blah blah. Toughen up and quit it with the sissy stuff, these people's sensitive little eyes will be ok if they see something they don't like. Lol

The web and the connected experience are better with fewer rules, nannies, and content moderators. I don't agree with all those things, but I don't need an online mommy. Yeehaw.


informallory t1_je807ty wrote

Cool now get rid of the subs that post fake/ simulated rape/assault/humiliation/jailbait porn.

Reddit’s banning stuff that’s already illegal, great job?


Samurai_Meisters t1_je839ff wrote

Though I think reddit has been a little overzealous in their suspensions lately. Like the mods of /r/girlfriendreviews got suspended for playing Hogwarts Legacy on stream and being harassed for it. Which is ridiculous.

And more and more I see accounts that are suspended for I don't even know what. A reddit post will turn up in a search result and it will be very helpful, then I click the user to see more from them, and they are suspended.

They can't all be up to some shady shit.

It really feels like reddit is overall getting worse and worse, and I can't help but think it's at least partially due to permabanning good users.


Redqueenhypo t1_je84obv wrote

Jailbait, incest, “misogyny”, “Hitler”, and creepshots. They were all run by the same mod who the admin team got caught actively helping bc he kept the technically illegal content off the sub. Until a journalist doxxed him and it kinda ruined all the magic of almost-CP


FJB_letsgobrandun t1_je87e3v wrote

Like I said, I am not supporting those things, or endorsing anything illegal, but the touchy feely, content moderation, get banned for using the wrong pronoun kind of things, get banned because they disagree with you, offended by everything approach to everything is ridiculous. Things are better without being curated.


Ostracus t1_je89h7z wrote

Well I think we all know the current status of internet statistics. Maybe they are, maybe they aren't, but in the end it works out for everyone else so it really doesn't matter their reasons.


WackyBones510 t1_je8f2fx wrote

This is very literally the only purpose a for-profit corporation can have - it’s not like some cool cynical take. It’s still fine to praise positive actions as earned media will create a demonstrable value for other businesses.

This is like being upset because you found out you computer isn’t genuinely nice.


azdood85 t1_je8f6gw wrote

>A Reddit thread upvoted by more than 17,000 users suggests that some of Reddit's community members are keen to spread awareness

Is 17k upvotes a lot?


Dusty170 t1_je8g443 wrote

Reddit definitely seems more moderated these days, I remember when there used to be subs like jailbait and bestiality, fatpeoplehate etc.


BigRumble5912 t1_je8i5lz wrote

I wish they would also crack down on ads promoting religion.


aquoad t1_je8irgp wrote

How many of them were automated keyword based ones that banned people who didn't do anything of the sort?


lastingdreamsof t1_je8ishw wrote

Is fake rape porn illegal if its acting? And not actually real rape? Because there's movies out there where people get killed but that's acting and it's not illegal to show a movie which depicts illegal acts.

I understand it won't be to most peoples tastes but of those you mention jailbait is the only one I can see that should be banned because it's of minors. The rest is perhaps morally iffy but not legally


Sleepybat7 t1_je8mw8x wrote

About time. Take some responsibility for how dangerous this platform can be.


random125184 t1_je8rq2m wrote

Damn all I can think about is how much worse pornhub is now


bhdp_23 t1_je9140z wrote

Reddit is good, not all redditors are good


_w2- t1_je9ebho wrote

As a tech guy, I love this. Tell me about the permaban. Does anyone know how reddit actually plans to keep these people off their platform?

Permaban isn't real. 😂


holliups t1_je9i0ch wrote

Even if other changes follow that will be a net negative for the content and it's users, it'll still be a 100% worth it since revenge porn will no longer be allowed. No matter what happens next, the entire platform could shut down, and it'd still be worth it in order to get rid of that content. I'm not sure what you're saying here?


holliups t1_je9ihc1 wrote

People wanna blame the mods, but overall the issue is the fact that Reddit won't pay the money to hire people to moderate. They rely on whoever is willing to just do it for free in their own spare time, and there are no concrete guidelines on how to do it. You can't be surprised that the moderation is shit, blame Reddit instead.


8ew8135 t1_je9js9c wrote

It’s disturbing to me when the headline focuses more on the amount of people banned than the methods, it feels like the methods haven’t changed but now they are actually doing by their job better? I dunno. If the rules or methods have changed, lead with that, if you’re just now catching everyone because you decided to, it should have been sooner.


thegreatgazoo t1_je9ryy7 wrote

There were a bunch that weren't even questionable. /r/jailbait comes to mind, and I know there were worse out there. It wasn't quite as blatant as Usenet used to be/still is (there were/are such lovely groups as, .early teens, and .boys). I haven't been on it in 20 years, so I have no idea what it's like now. I wouldn't even want to look because I'd presume it's all honey potted at this point (basically if you go there, everything you do is logged)

That said, the only reason Reddit banned them was that they were embarrassed in the press .


photo11111 t1_je9ubuz wrote

I know so many people who get banned just for making jokes or other statements that get reported…


catharsis23 t1_je9vkl0 wrote

Lol I still remember when tons of subreddits locked arms to defend subs that posted underage porn and basically blacklisted links to the sites that exposed the creeps behind the subs


Still_Blueberry5544 t1_je9xgjt wrote

Happened in one of the subs I participate in.

Vegan got mad at the ex-vegans and were spreading revenge porn of this poor woman. It was either the daughter or an ex. I’m still trying to find the woman to alert her so she’s aware and keeps herself safe. As a woman myself, the fear of having people see explicit pics of me without me knowing just scares the shit out of me. Creeps get a little weird with that sometimes.


24Splinter t1_jea3q50 wrote

“Dangerous”… Ever been in a shootout? Now that’s dangerous! Here is an interesting idea, how about people stop taking naked pictures and videos! I’m not defending the pice of shit person that posted shit like that (they deserve what’s coming to the). I just think people need to be smarter with their decisions!


American_Stereotypes t1_jea45x5 wrote

Warlizard? He's an ancient redditor. Circa 2010ish, some dude decided to target him for a trolling campaign, then proceeded to follow Warlizard around the website for months, using various throwaways to repeatedly ask him if he was from the (nonexistent) Warlizard gaming forum.

Then once the joke got revealed, it spread around the rest of reddit, and it became a tradition to ask him about the Warlizard gaming forum whenever he pops up.

I miss the dumb shenanigans of old reddit, lol.


FJB_letsgobrandun t1_jea7pry wrote

Aka, I am a profile stalker and salty someone questions my fondness for cancel culture and censorship. Lol, seriously. It'll be ok, see you read my comment, you didn't like and here we are, no worse for the wear.


BowiesAssistant t1_jeagdtw wrote

Is it gatekeeping? Ive just hecome aware on another sub about the gatekeeping shit stains that edit on wiki. What you and others describe re cherry picking and banning certain subs has me thinking its a similar structure in terms of gatekeeping basement bros&petty nonsense.

Also notice I cant find one single sub for tenant rights in ontario that is active? The one I found only allows "trusted users" to post and has ZERO posts itself other than the initial welcome etc etc. Seems landord stacked in the other subs.

Im new to this environment but late to the party as it seems. Overall I've found it helpful and more engaging than social media nonsense...but eek. This all sounds like a fucking mess.


Constipatedturnip t1_jeakczz wrote

Reddit hands premabans out for any old shit, I seriously doubt they're doing anything above and beyond what they do anyway.


UnpopularBastard t1_jeanxx1 wrote

Reddit is like Facebook. If you think Reddit provides any actual value that could be milked for shareholders you should see what happened to MySpace.

Something new is always on the horizon & people will abandon this site in droves as soon as a copycat who can do it a little better comes along.

I can’t wait to ditch this place.


random125184 t1_jeao3kn wrote

Yes. Before there was some quality content. Then there was this New York Time “sex trafficking” investigation or something. Then Visa and Mastercard threatened to drop pornhub. So Pornhub removed all videos that weren’t “verified”. Now everything is just awful. I don’t know what pornhub’s “verification” process entails, but apparently it’s a pain in the ass to complete. All I know is 100% of the videos I had saved are still removed. And they decided to pull this shit like 3 years ago during the pandemic when everyone was locked inside their homes. Download your porn people!


skilliard7 t1_jeb9xu1 wrote

Not true at all, Reddit is very strict against artistic expression. People have banned from the entire site for fanart drawings of fictional characters that aren't pornographic, and don't contain nudity.


FJB_letsgobrandun t1_jebgk6l wrote

Or I can stay and express my views just like anyone else. You don't have to agree and no one needs to ban people they don't agree with, but their are plenty of people too fragile to handle that someone disagrees with them. Usually a keyboard totalitarian type. Thanks for weighing in though.


FJB_letsgobrandun t1_jebim26 wrote

I will complain if I don't agree with it. Whether you like it or not. You seem to have a fixation with my compliance to your views. It's not healthy to fixate on people's compliance like that. It'll make it hard to learn to get along with others. I suggest a hobby, or getting a pet. They are easy to control. 🤔 Either way, best of luck to you!


tmoeagles96 t1_jebj8a8 wrote

> I will complain if I don't agree with it.

Well not on Reddit you won’t 🤷‍♂️

> Whether you like it or not. You seem to have a fixation with my compliance to your views.

No, just with the TOS

> It's not healthy to fixate on people's compliance like that.


> It'll make it hard to learn to get along with others.

And I want that because..?

> I suggest a hobby, or getting a pet. They are easy to control. 🤔 Either way, best of luck to you!

Thanks, I guess


FJB_letsgobrandun t1_jecl1cs wrote

  • I already complained, so yes I will. Once again, whether you like it or not.

  • Apparently the controlling behavior stems from OCD, Anxiety and feelings of inadequacy. No big surprises I'm sure. There are quite a bit of resources for you, just look. But here is one link since you asked.

You're welcome. I bid you farewell, as this is feeling very obsessive.