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YuanBaoTW t1_jck1q05 wrote

For years, low interest rates led to an environment where too much capital was pursuing too few opportunities. This is no longer the case.

The startup world has always been subject to boom and bust cycles, and this is a feature not a bug. Tough times force entrepreneurs to get creative and adapt, which in turn helps lead to innovation.

It's no coincidence that, historically, some of the most successful startups get founded during or just after economic downturns.

This article is emblematic of just how fat and lazy "Silicon Valley" has become. SVB's failure will present challenges, but it is also an opportunity.

If people like the author of the article are not up to these challenges, they should just pack it up, go home and let the people who are get to work.


Semi-Hemi-Demigod t1_jckovmr wrote

> It's no coincidence that, historically, some of the most successful startups get founded during or just after economic downturns.

I think part of the reason for this is that people get laid off and suddenly don't have to do whatever stupid idea their boss told them to do. Now they get to work on their own stupid ideas.